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View Full Version : Everything working with the new GEN firmware?

November 29th, 2009, 15:00
With the newest one... is there 1.50 support at all?

Or rather, the list of emulators and homebrews I'm playing/play a lot:

Cave story PSP
PSX games as a whole
Dgen 1.70
Daedalus R13 I think (has this been touched in like a year?)
Homer's Rin GeMP 3.3
UO gpSP kai 3.2 test 8.7
HuE for PSP 0.70
NesterJ 1.11RM

I'm on a slim running the newest m33. I miss DA. Did he die? Or did sony catch him?

November 29th, 2009, 19:16
i've had no problems running any homebrew on GEN so far, but i havent tried alot of those
SNES9xtylme works fine, some PSX games (including FFVII) run as well as can be expected, and plugins run with no problem

and one of the ideas going around is that sony got DAX

November 30th, 2009, 01:03
Well, I know you can't downgrade.
So the real big ones for me are GBA, SNES, and NES.
Because once I bump up, I'm stuck there, right? I feel a little weird with DX being MIA again, and he showed back up last time like a year later...

I'm betting if he does it this time though, he'll either be a part of the team everyone is criticizing (lols, was that embarrassing for a lot of people) or he'll give us a way to switch back over effectively, so maybe I shouldn't worry so much.

November 30th, 2009, 19:44
So far, all my old apps (mostly emulators) work fine so you should be safe (I was on the same boat too, but what the heck, I updated lol):

CPS 1,2, NeoGeo
Pops for PSX
Gameboy Color
Doom homebrew