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View Full Version : Ds Emulator!!

June 14th, 2006, 14:48
Yes i know what your thinking im a faker right wrong
Oh ond let me guess No mic and no touch screen
Simple not all games use the mic and you use the anologue as a mouse watch the vid and post your comment and for those believers out there im posting a vid after i get home from school . ill also be posting another one later oh and those people calling me psdonkey...im not my real name IS joey And im 13 and im an aspiring developer who has dreams and working on the next psp that has full homebrew capabilities
And oh ya guess what i just wanted to throw something together for the menu so i used pbp unpacker to get the necessary files and add them to my EBOOT And im not asking for donation so psdonkey can F.UC.K OFF

June 14th, 2006, 15:51
PSdonkey is that you! That emu in your fake video uses the same crap PSdonkey through together. Come on you can do better than that. lol you piece of crap, hidding in the shadows all the dam time. Nobody download this as it is a fake and this is most likely the work of PSjackass LOL PSjackass.

June 14th, 2006, 16:00
Well this video is one fake peace of crap. First, the Eboot icon is the same of the Pre R5 release of Daedalus. Second, the background is the same as that of the Pre R5 release of Daedalus. Third, The background music is exactly the same as that of the Pre R5 release of Daedalus.

And fourth, the video suspiciously ends as soon as the game boot screen of the psp disappears. Meaning that you just took Daedalus and altered the Eboot background and nothing more. So this is just a misserably attempt to get in the spotlights. But it will fail, because the video screams that it is fake


I guess there is no more use for this thread, if you know what I mean (mods?) ;)

Edit: damn Jman beat me to it :p

June 14th, 2006, 16:14
First post aswell. Go away!

June 14th, 2006, 16:51
The last second of the video has a bunch of words that appear. I haven't used Daedalus yet, so can anyone comfirm what I'm seeing?

ROMDB createain()
ROMDB init
inifile create
inifile init
Memory init
initialieing 4Mb main memory
imputManager init
Controller init

June 14th, 2006, 17:10
Guys lets not make this into a huge deal. He has all ready got more attention than he's worth. I don't want this thread to blow up like GAYdar's(PSdonkey) Stupid attempt to get everyone pissed off. Most likely PSdonkey is joey or what ever. We do need to tell the staff to do an IP search and ban this guy (PSdonkey). You know what a piece of crap he is. He tries to make us look like the bad guys when he still goes around doing this shit. Well what ever like i said he has gotten way to much attention than he's worth.

June 14th, 2006, 17:18
The last second of the video has a bunch of words that appear. I haven't used Daedalus yet, so can anyone comfirm what I'm seeing?

ROMDB createain()
ROMDB init
inifile create
inifile init
Memory init
initialieing 4Mb main memory
imputManager init
Controller init

Do not download the pre R5 as PSjackass(PSdonkey) got the source and put it together. It could be a virus for all we know. I don't trust him. As for that writing it could be a rom loading or what ever. Not to mention his so called N64 emu supposidly runs at perfect speed has never been seen hmm...Piece of crap can't even code. All he is doing now is trying to steal the spot light from the true coders PSmonkey and StrmNmer. (LOL can't spell his name) Everyone just try to ignore him and ban him when you see him. I know i'm having trouble not completely flamming his ass off. But don't give him any attention as its what he wants.

June 14th, 2006, 17:24
if this is PSass
then ip search and ban wont stop him he just changes his ip, just ignore him.

please lock this thread
we all know if any homebrew is made then it is rerleased as a beta, not some stupid video which makes no sense and shows nothing.

this guy is just making these forums dirty, and causing the mods too much trouble as they need to constantly clean up after IT

delete thread NOW


ooh jman its PSmonkey and StrmnNrmn, thats

June 14th, 2006, 23:06
Ha Ha LOL Man i finaly got his emulator memorized Deadalus Ya i did it! lol Now i just need to remmember his name S-T-R-M-N-N-R-M-N!!! LOL

Can someone just close this stupid thread.

June 14th, 2006, 23:15
Lets set up a campaign to stop the fakers! :p

June 15th, 2006, 00:19
Jesus Christ! Why does everyone here think that everyone is me? I'm not that joey person and I sure as hell not that GAYdar person either. That GAYar person has been banned multiple times over at psp-hacks.com because of his profound gay threads and posts that he makes about gay people. I wish everyone would get a grip on themselves and stop acting soo childish. If people want to hate me because I did some people a favor by compiling the new daedalus source for everyone so they can test out the new speed for themselves before the R5 release comes out, then go ahead and hate me but don't associate me with these wackos who come in here looking for any attention that they can get. This thread should of been locked and that joey person should of been banned a long time ago but it looks like the mods don't give a damn anymore about noobs acting childish like that. I hope you guys actually find out that there is more meaning to life then spamming these fourms and pretneding that you are someone that you are not (joey, gaydar). Have a nice day everyone.