View Full Version : sora adventure0.1 first attempt at lua

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June 23rd, 2006, 01:32
Here is a very simple but featured image editor for free:

June 23rd, 2006, 01:44
ok iv just gotten out of the shower

hey great link yaustar im a check it out en see was up

thanks for the user bar nasty nate il send it to all the other beta testers and wen 0.2 is out il e-mail it to you

alright so im a try to get to the map crash problem if i need help i know were you are yaustar

be bac

June 23rd, 2006, 02:01
The games looking great! Im here for you when you need me to do my beta testing job!

June 23rd, 2006, 02:31
alright so naruto is done so now i can start trying to fix the script problem il get right on it if i need help il ask yaustar

zion glad i made ya a beta tester your one of my fav users

il be bac with wat i got

June 23rd, 2006, 02:35
alright so naruto is done so now i can start trying to fix the script problem il get right on it if i need help il ask yaustar

zion glad i made ya a beta tester your one of my fav users

il be bac with wat i got

So naruto is done?... whats happend in my absence 0_0?

P.S. Is there any other way I can help whatsoever?:(

Nasty Nate
June 23rd, 2006, 02:44
i think he meant the show lol

June 23rd, 2006, 02:57
well i tried my luck at it but the map crash seems to not be fixed and i tried to add the projectiles but sora disspears wen i attack do i have to have him in th same sprite as the projectiles

heres the latest version yaustar look at my change log in the script so you can see the probs im having

hang tough shadowblind things are slow now just wait until we get the annoying bugs out the way then development will pick up speed

June 23rd, 2006, 03:10
good job ima try it now

June 23rd, 2006, 03:10
Hey, Gun...quick question, where did you get the Sora sprites...They seem to be custom made, and some of them are bigger in size compared to the original Sora sheet sprites...Here's an example....That one's on the right folder BTW. The guy we're using looks a tad stretched out, if not a bad custom.

I need to know, because most of the fixes I'm doing rely on the original for reference.

Anyways, I'm gonna have to drop it for now...I have a lot of work here at work all the sudden...I'll try to upload the file when I get home, K?

That sora streched sprite is PERFECT! in KH2 hes a year older, taller and has different clothes. ITS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

June 23rd, 2006, 03:26
--i tried to place the code that you recomended to try and stop the map crash
> Fixed collision on the left side of the map. collisionx and collisiony is the variable that needs to be checked. Again, this highlights the problem with no comments and badly named variables.

--dont know how to stop the rapid fire as i know the attack is totally dependent on how long you hold the botton down(ya know how to fix this
--how do you get the projectiles to show on the screen with out sora dissapearing try it your self the projectiles are in the effect folder
> The implementation is in place (eg the jump button) but commented until the problems with the animation are fixed. These two problems are related.

You SEPERATE the animation from the input. The players physical state is stored (eg stand, attack, fire) and this changes when the player presses the button. Another section of code deals with the animation for the state. You have already done this for the jump action.

--jump animation and sprites will be redun by apokolipz so wen he gets that out il incorparate it in the code
>No worries here

--i will try and fix the collision but im haveing trouble il get it
> Pardon?

The problem with the sprite going off center when attacking LEFT is not fixed in this version.

June 23rd, 2006, 03:48
keep up the good work my young munk lol maybee youll become the lua hokagai

June 23rd, 2006, 03:49
thanx a bunch yaustar

your a big help as usualy i will post a screen of this as soon as i can or right befor i go to bed thanx il take care of sum coding thing hopfully befor i go to bed

June 23rd, 2006, 04:03
cool game

June 23rd, 2006, 04:11
P.S. I just found my PSP cable, can you give me an up-to-date version of the game?

June 23rd, 2006, 04:26
alright this is the latest screen shot on the progress we have so far


now that the map crash prob is out the way we can focus on other things

things that have to be done

-fix sprites that have to be fixed
-add projectiles into script
-change the attack botton cammand as of now the attack is totally dependent on how long you hold the botton
-comment my code(is a must at this piont)

these are all the things that i have to take care of for tommorrow

thats it for me im goin to bed


o shadow here the latest hope this helps glad ya found your usb cable


just so the team knows there are only 4 beta testers so far

-nasty nate

thats all for now this is it im locking the beta tester spots there are no more furture beta testers exept these ppl i mentioned

June 23rd, 2006, 05:55
Progressing farther and faster then I woulda dreamed of '_'


Now I have something to bragg about!

P.S. Maybe we should lock this thread and start a new one....

June 23rd, 2006, 06:01
no keep it just to see if we hit the one thousand mark

June 23rd, 2006, 07:12
r u going to keep that name or r u changing it

June 23rd, 2006, 09:11
This in another really good looking homebrew! :D
$ony are letting the wrong games get published! :p

June 23rd, 2006, 13:29
--i tried to place the code that you recomended to try and stop the map crash
> Fixed collision on the left side of the map. collisionx and collisiony is the variable that needs to be checked. Again, this highlights the problem with no comments and badly named variables.
This still means that it will still crash on the right, top and bottom of the map

The problem with the sprite going off center when attacking LEFT is not fixed in this version.
All 6 of the problems still need to be done, they have not been completed 100%

June 23rd, 2006, 14:31
Now thats a pickle...

wish I could code but my computer doesnt display the words in the tutorial anymore. ;_'

June 23rd, 2006, 15:41
alright i just got up

heres what im a do

thanx yaustar for pionting out that we do have probs and the game is not at 100% bug free

today i will devote myself to getting rid of all the bugs that way we can move on to other things if i need help i know were evryone is

il be bac as soon as soon as i get sumthin to eat i start right away

June 23rd, 2006, 16:18
Now thats a pickle...

wish I could code but my computer doesnt display the words in the tutorial anymore. ;_'
?? Which link?

June 23rd, 2006, 17:15



June 23rd, 2006, 17:23
gunn u need more testers??(opps read it wrong nevermind)

June 23rd, 2006, 17:38
Hello guys! I'm gonna continue working on fixing Sora's sprite movement, today...although I can't asure you I'll be done before I leave work....I'll try and finish during my free time in the weekend...(I'm making a new bedframe out of wood, so I'm gonna have a handful of work this weekend)
Well, that's that...The attacks sprites will also have to be redone, sorry, but fixing the left attack bug with the sprites available ain't happening unless you change the coordinates on the script for the left attacks or unless I re-do them with separated projectiles and later implement them to the script...The sprites we have for the attacks are naturally out of center when facing left, so we have to deal with one of the two options I mentioned right here....I know it sux re-doing all this work, but we have to make a decision right now on how to approach these bugs. Again:
- Projectiles can be implemented as separate sprites that will appear in conjunction with Sora's, when he attacks, soon as I'm done with the fixed sprites.


- The current left attack sprites can be assigned to different X Y coordinates, so they match the fluidity of Sora's movements.

What'll it be guys?

BTW...Shadowblind, tell me where to get the custom Sora sprites ASAP...I need them.

June 23rd, 2006, 17:42
You want to start C++? If so, starting on the PSP is definitely not the best option. If you do want to learn C++, I can give you some direction but don't expect to start doing anything special in the first month or so.

Apoklepz: I am going to leave that completely up to Gun'. I know what I would for it but I want Gun' to learn from this design decision.

June 23rd, 2006, 17:47
Apoklepz: I am going to leave that completely up to Gun'. I know what I would for it but I want Gun' to learn from this design decision.



I've quickly redone the Betatester bar, so now the testers have some space to include their names, hope you guys like it.

June 23rd, 2006, 18:24
alright so we should aproach it like this i think that doing all the attack sprites all over is to long of time just to fix the left attack bug so shouldnt just fixing the x and y coorodinates be more simple il try it first after we get that out of the way that leave what other bugs um........o yea wen apokolipz fixes his sprites then il right in the projectiles into the script so thats that im a try to do this now if i need help i know were every one is


good beta tester bar il pm it to all the beta testers

Cap'n 1time
June 23rd, 2006, 18:30
sounds like this is really coming along :P im impressed.

June 23rd, 2006, 18:53
alright im having a lil bit of trouble with the x and y coordinate to try and stop the left side attack bug il get it..........i hope.....lol

another ting is i have no idea how to stop the attacks from being totally dependent on how long you hold the botton its another thing im trying to fix

il keep at it i dont think im a ask for help yet i think i can get it

be bac soon

June 23rd, 2006, 19:02
BTW...Shadowblind, tell me where to get the custom Sora sprites ASAP...I need them.

One is:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://beec113.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/sora.gif&imgrefurl=http://beec113.tripod.com/id3.html&h=784&w=738&sz=79&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=mGTIl_4XcFrdvM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsora%2Bsprites%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26sa%3DN

Here is another:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://sprites.fireball20xl.com/OS/Square/Icons/sora.gif&imgrefurl=http://sprites.fireball20xl.com/square-enix/other/hearts.htm&h=115&w=107&sz=3&hl=en&start=7&tbnid=1xwpZiOAV3GJiM:&tbnh=82&tbnw=76&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsora%2Bsprites%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26sa%3DN

Tell me if ya need another link.

P.S. Im not exactly sure what you mean by custom

June 23rd, 2006, 19:37
That's great, Shadowblind...
But I need a link that has the Sora sprites we are putting in the game, you know...with the dark clothes? I just made an animation for the standing position sprites, or as experienced people call it, "IDLE" pose....At least the little guy can blink now, and not waste too much money on Visine for his dry eye lol.

June 23rd, 2006, 19:42
lmao........great job you got em blinking

put them seperated one after another in a folder so i can put them in the game

hes actually blinking to ppl that might not be much nuy to my that shows realisticism in the game..lol

June 23rd, 2006, 19:48
Yeah, it's way too fast though....You'll have to slow it down within the script....I'm working on his funky looking running right now...Jump sprites are gonna be the hardest to come around, so I'll leav those for last. Here's the Idle Pose, just put them in respectably.

June 23rd, 2006, 19:53
That's great, Shadowblind...
But I need a link that has the Sora sprites we are putting in the game, you know...with the dark clothes? I just made an animation for the standing position sprites, or as experienced people call it, "IDLE" pose....At least the little guy can blink now, and not waste too much money on Visine for his dry eye lol.

OHHHHHHH I found em here.

The best sora sprites ever made:


June 23rd, 2006, 19:59
See...I just knew those were customs...There's some that just don't look right, but the guy did a pretty decent job, gotta admit.

Thanks Shadowblind...Now I can work faster with these at hand.

June 23rd, 2006, 20:26
alright guys im back i was having a lil stomach pain had to take sum medicine(i know to much info.....lol)

anyway im now putting the blinking spirtes into the game now and im trying to get all the bugs that need fixing out the way il be right bac

hey im a psp coder now.......alsum

June 23rd, 2006, 20:44
Congratulations G!
I just left the sprites alone now for a bit...gotta do some real work, but I'll post em when they're done, K?

June 23rd, 2006, 20:45
great sprites

June 23rd, 2006, 20:52
Hey thanks, glad you like em...
BTW, Gun...Once we finally release an official update, it would be wise for you to update the first post in this thread...seeing as everybody's Bars lead to it, you know...just a tip.

June 23rd, 2006, 20:55
Ok, this is just an update on sprites and backgrounds ive so far aquired:

Mario: Complete set
Luigi: complete set
Bowser: Complete set
Peach: Complete set
Backgrounds: Complete set
Music: Complete

Link Custom: Complete set
Link: Complete set
Zelda: Complete set
Ganandorf: Incomplete
Weapons: Incomplete
Minish Cap Link: Complete set
Backgrounds: Complete set
Music: Complete

Samus aran: complete set
Samus Zero-mission: Complete set
Samus Fusion: Complete set
Ridly: Complete set
Metroids: Complete set
Samus out-suit: Complete set
Saxmus: Complete set
Space Pirate: complete set
Backgrounds: Unstarted
Music: Unstarted

Star Fox
Start Fox: Complete set
Slippy: complete set
Falco: Complete Set
Andross: Unstarted
Peppy: complete set
Arwing: Complete set
Backgrounds: Unstarted
Music: Incomplete

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic: Complete set
Shadow: complete set
Tails: Complete set
Knuckles: Complete set
Dr. Robotnik: Complete set
Enemy robots: Incomplete set
Mecha Knuckles: Complete set
Sonic Backgrounds: Complete set
Music: Complete set

Kirby: complete set
UFO Kirby: Complete set
Star Wand Kirby: Complete set
Enemys: Unstarted
Smash Kirby: complete set
Backgrounds: Complete set
Music: Incomplete

Goku Sprites: Complete set
Krillin: Complete set
Jackie Chun: Complete set
Buyon: Complete set
Chioutzu: Complete set
General BlueL complete set
Mercenary Toa: Complete set
Maarca: Complete set
Pigpirates: Complete set
Robot pirates: Complete set
Backgrounds: Incomplete
Music: Complete set

Full metal Alchemist
Edward: complete set
Alphonse: Unstarted
Scar: Complete set
Lust: complete set
Gluttony: Complete set
Backgrounds: Incomplete
Music: Incomplete

One Peice
Luffy: Complete set
Sanji: Complete set
Zolo: Complete set
Nami: complete set
Usopp: Complete set
Don Krieg: Complete set
Kuro: Complete set
Morgan: Complete set
Extras: Complete set
Merman: Complete set
Ghin: Complete set
Gun pirate: complete set
Knife pirate: Complete set
Pearl: complete set
Captain Chaser: Complete set
Sword Pirate: complete set
Backgrounds: Incomplete
Music: Incomplete

Naruto: Complete set
Sasuke: Complete set
Kakashi: Complete set
Saura: Complete set
Rock Lee: Complete set
Gaara: Complete set
Neji: Complete set
Orochimaru: Complete set
Shino: complete set
Backgrounds: Complete set
Music: Complete Set

Kingdom Hearts Main Sprites
Sora: Complete set
Goofy: complete set
Donald: Complete set
Mickey: Complete set
Leon: Complete set
Cloud: Complete set
Aeris: Complete set
Axel: Complete set
Darkside: complete set
DiZ/Ansem: Complete set
Air Pirate: complete set
Bouncywild: Complete set
Larxene: Complete set
Large Body: Complete set
Unknown: Complete set
Riku: Complete set
Kairi: Complete set
Operas: Complete set
Yuffie: complete set
Blackfungus: Complete set
Beast: Complete set
Cid: complete set
Aquatank: complete set
Backgrounds: Incomplete
Music: Complete set

Ok, theres alot more, but in that general idea.

June 23rd, 2006, 21:02
I've always thought the Zelda custom sprites are the nicest ones for the Zelda world, later in the game... seeing as the "Link to the past" style backgrounds and sprites go in the complete opposite direction that our game is headed...Unless we later change the way the game format plays out exclusively for the Zelda levels...but that would be such a hassle...would be neat, but a hassle none the less.

June 23rd, 2006, 21:05
Ya know the sprites in the NDS homebrew game thats being worked on? turns out those sprites are really famous, thats what I meant by custom Link in the above post

June 23rd, 2006, 21:06
ok i seem to be having a lil trouble with the attack dispacement bug on the left side il keep at it might need yaustars help for this

this is the main bug im trying to get rid of at this point so please bear with me

June 23rd, 2006, 21:12
Yes...Before that NDS game was even thought of, that sprite was first implemented to the SmashGP game as a caracter...but the caracters movement physiscs itself are pretty sloppy, never the less it's an awesome sprite... Can anyone guess what original caracter sprite it was customized after?

June 23rd, 2006, 21:16
uhhh.......FMA? Ed and Link look eerily alike. Maybe Samus?

June 23rd, 2006, 21:26
It's actually the Revamped Zero from the GBA Megaman Zero series. Pardon my ignorance, but FMA? What game is that? Final Motherly Atrocity maybe...I know it to be a hit in Alaska. lol
Or maybe, First Mayor Ahnold...He'll stamp a pepperonni to your head. lol

June 23rd, 2006, 21:44
heres the latest screen shot of what i got so far sora i actually blinking and the animation is asum its like sora is breating cause his head in the game is moving up and down


now that the standing animation is takin care of i can do other things(btw the sora animation is to fast and hes blinking at a rapid rate i have to slow it down in the script its sum thing i can take care of)

anyway i still can get the left side attack bug out the way as it still posses a problem im gonna nees yaustars help for that and to get rid of the attacks being dependent on how long you hold the attack button that also needs fixing

il get right on wat i have to fix

keep ya posted

June 23rd, 2006, 21:52
(btw the sora animation is to fast and hes blinking at a rapid rate i have to slow it down in the script its sum thing i can take care of)

Told you so...The frame rate is so fast, it looks like he's having a heart attack lol... I'm glad you liked the sprites though.

I'm almost done with the run sprites...I'll send em to your email t'night G.

Wow, I reached my 300th post and didn't even notice.

June 23rd, 2006, 21:57
It's actually the Revamped Zero from the GBA Megaman Zero series. Pardon my ignorance, but FMA? What game is that? Final Motherly Atrocity maybe...I know it to be a hit in Alaska. lol
Or maybe, First Mayor Ahnold...He'll stamp a pepperonni to your head. lol

FMA=Full metal Alchemist. If you looked at the sprite chart you'd know.

June 23rd, 2006, 22:10
nice the game is coming along nicely

June 23rd, 2006, 22:19
FMA=Full metal Alchemist. If you looked at the sprite chart you'd know.

Awww...c'mon Shadowblind. Running a little harsh on the attitude there now. What's wrong with a little joke now and then?

Anyways...That custom Sora Sprite sheet that Sora #2 guy did is Far from perfect...it's missing bits in most places, some colors from sprite to sprite are off by a long shot...and he's missing two sprites in every movement animation, but don't despair, I'm fixing it, and when I'm done I'll send him a revamped sheet...He deserves it, just for starting his own. Here's an example of what I mean.

June 23rd, 2006, 22:24
great stuff when your done with the running sprites just put it in a download for me and il incorparate it in the script

June 23rd, 2006, 22:24
Can ya make him just a little bit taller then normal? BTW, do ya think theres a way we can implement Lv.ing up with attack defense, speed and AP?

P.S. Im just in a bad mood.We get to move away, yet again, leaving all my friends...

June 23rd, 2006, 22:27
Can ya make him just a little bit taller then normal? BTW, do ya think theres a way we can implement Lv.ing up with attack defense, speed and AP?

P.S. Im just in a bad mood.We get to move away, yet again, leaving all my friends...

bear x1 pm'ed me saying that he is gonna take care of the health magic , and leveling up bar
so thats good

June 23rd, 2006, 22:33
Side attack problem.. there are several ways to approach these:

Redo the sprites so that every frame is the same size and that Sora is normally in the model. All collisions are checked with an offset value from the 'blit' position (Probably the simplest solution but may have a knock on effect on other sections of code)

When sora is attacking left offset the position of the player (Not a good idea as everything is hardcoded so when the animatin changes, the code has to change as well)

Split the animation frames into two sprites, one for the main body, the other for the extended attack. (Tricky since you haven't done multiple sprites/objects).

June 23rd, 2006, 22:46
Im just in a bad mood.We get to move away, yet again, leaving all my friends...

Sorry to hear that, man...It happened to me too as a kid...can't tell you how much that sucked...But hey, no matter what, let's keep it friendly here alright? After all, we're in this toghether. Send me a PM any day if your having any kind of problems...I'm 28, been through a whole bunch of crap in life (my dad ended up being a heroine junkie and dissapeared almost a year ago), and I can relate to almost any kind of problems people go through these days...So, as corny as it might sound, you got a friend here in the forums. That goes for the rest of the crew, too.:cool:

bear x1 pm'ed me saying that he is gonna take care of the health magic , and leveling up bar
so thats good

Oh...I think that's awsome, way to go Bear!

June 23rd, 2006, 23:07
Yeah, im gonna quit personal matters before a mod starts chewin me out for it.

the game is at a steady incline, shouldnt be too long before a playable release is out.

June 23rd, 2006, 23:21
the game is at a steady incline, shouldnt be too long before a playable release is out.
My personal estimate is one-two week to get all these fixes in with Gun' being the only coder on the team.

June 23rd, 2006, 23:28
well bear is another coder on the team as well as he has sum concept of lua coding and yaustar your my technical adviser you always give the best advise but i agree all the fixes will probaly be done in a bout a week or two thats wen i hope to get 0.2 out this tread is very large dont ya think anyway iv been a lil side tracked cause iv been playin daedalus and mario 64 il get to the left attack bug right away

keep ya posted

June 24th, 2006, 02:33
Wow, just got done playing KH2 and now my back &%*$in hurts....anyway, nice new sig and avy gun!

P.S. I saw the script designer thread for lua, ya think he maybe made it just for this game?:D

June 24th, 2006, 03:33
alright heres what i have done so far the animation of sora standing is alsum sora is now blinking and it looks like hes breathing im having probs fixing the diplacement in the attack sprites on the left as that posses a prob a the moment as soon as thats out of the way i can move on

i will try and post a screen of the latest and then bed time

be bac

June 24th, 2006, 03:53
cant wait to see the screen shot

June 24th, 2006, 04:16
I need to know the order in which sora and his friends will be going to each world for the storyline. So far ive got to where he leaves hollow bastion.

June 24th, 2006, 04:31

this is the exact problem im having i cant seem to get this problem fixed in the script sora left side attacks seem to be displaced and sora moves conpletly of center sumthing i have to fix

thats it for today as i am tired and going to bed il get right bac to work tommorrow like around 12:00

till then

June 24th, 2006, 06:24
something fricken wierd happend on KH2 thats happend to me twice before. When I started the drive guage in halloween town, instead of becaming valor, I became a 3-eyed, black Sora heartless that cannot be killed with a 40 attack hit combo. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENeD?!

June 24th, 2006, 16:02
Hey,guys im on my psp (DevHook 1.5) and im leaving tomorow so il not do much of coding on the SP bar. Il maybe be here tonight. Cya

June 24th, 2006, 21:21
dont anyone think that im abandoning this project since everyone is taking breaks cause of vacations and such the team will rally back wen the members that are needed are present once i have apokolipz and bear bac then the coding and bug fixes will truly comence until then a short break is needed for all i will take this time out to comment my script entirly as yaustar has requested time and time again and then its back to work when more of the team is present

thanx all

kepp ya posted

June 24th, 2006, 22:08
In which case, a new thread would be good in the development forum.

June 24th, 2006, 22:42
yeah, pin this thread and start a new later.

June 24th, 2006, 22:45
il pm kaiser and tell him to lock this tread and then il start a sora sdventure 0.2 dev thread later

June 24th, 2006, 23:20
last post of this thread

June 25th, 2006, 02:40
More sprites ive found:

Sonic spinball
Tidus ( from FFX)
Adventure Isle baddies
Pikmin Sprites: Olimar, baddies, and all thats needed for a pikmin world in one simple sheet :D

June 25th, 2006, 02:47
great im waiting for kaiser to pin this thread so i can start the sora advenyure 0.2 dev thread so that we can continue our work i pm'em kaiser so it shouldnt be long

June 25th, 2006, 03:19
Why do we need to wait? Just start a new thread :confused:

June 25th, 2006, 05:28
Locked at the request of gunntims0103

I look forward to sora sdventure 0.2.