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View Full Version : Captain N:The Game Master...?

The Hombrew Hunter
June 16th, 2006, 01:00
Does anyone have any episodes of any kind? I never got a chance to see this cartoon and I am a MASSIVE Nintendo dork. So if anyone can tell me where I can download/watch this cartoon, please tell me. It seems so awesome....

Because of Mega Man. End of sentence.

Cap'n 1time
June 16th, 2006, 23:45
what the feck does that sound so familiare? if its megaman related i must know :p

The Hombrew Hunter
June 16th, 2006, 23:57
It was an NBC cartoon back in the 1980s. I wasn't around to see it so I must see it NOW. I heard Simon Belmont was comic-relief. Sounds strange for Simon Belmont...

June 27th, 2006, 01:02
I'll check back in a day or two, if no one's posted anything good, I'll make some video files. I have two VHS tapes of it I can share, but my video capture stuff isn't hooked up right now.

The Hombrew Hunter
June 27th, 2006, 01:57
Sweet, thanks! I couldn't find ANYTHING on it...Lots of others, but not Captain N...

If you can make them WMV that would be preferrable, thanks!

June 29th, 2006, 05:40
Okay, so the first ep I have is up and ready. I YouTubed it for easy access, though if you'd like I can make a zipped wmv later and put it on FileFront or something. Since it's on YouTube, I had to cut it up into three parts, so I split it where the commercials would be. Enjoy!





my other episode is a retelling of Zelda II, so stay tuned for that.

Cap'n 1time
June 29th, 2006, 06:11
wow, thats incredible! not sure this is legal, but i will let another mod decide on that. please do zip a full wmv, Id love to put this on my psp!

Curiouse, where did the blue dude with the big nipples come from? he looks so damn familiar but I cant figure out where I have seen him from..

June 29th, 2006, 06:22
That's King Hippo, from Punch-Out!

June 29th, 2006, 06:41
OH mi god this is awsome toad64 great job there like 1timeuser said eany way for making it in wmv or mp4 for the psp. Talk about a cool flash back.

June 29th, 2006, 06:43
OMG!!!! i remember this show!!!!!! yeh id love to put this on my psp too

June 29th, 2006, 06:55
Cool, glad you guys like it! Okay I'll put up the second episode tomorrow, and hopefully have them both as full WMVs as well.

The Hombrew Hunter
June 29th, 2006, 07:09
Finally, WMV! That seems to be the only thing I can convert for Moonshell.

This is something I've never seen, being born the year the series supposedly ended...

I owe you one, man.

Edit: I watched 30 seconds of the first episode, and instantly thought: HOLY SHIT! KICK ASS!

Now if only there were more to have...MUST....LOOK...AT....FLEA...MARKET......

Nice Screen Capture screen, too.

June 29th, 2006, 07:19
The whole series comes out on DVD pretty soon, so you're probably better off just waiting a bit. : )

The Hombrew Hunter
June 29th, 2006, 07:23
Digitally remastered, and REALLY DAMN NERDY.

Makes a great couple, no?

I won't be able to afford it, though. I'm blowing my last 64$ when I get my CF card...

June 29th, 2006, 18:22
Okay, parts 1, 2 and 3 for The Quest for the Potion of Power are up at youtube.




I'm working on full versions now, I'll post them tonight.

The Hombrew Hunter
June 29th, 2006, 20:30
I owe you for these, man. Here, I made this, maybe you'll like it.

This one moves much faster.

June 29th, 2006, 20:40
Hey, thanks for the GIF! : )
About putting up the whole file, do you have any suggestion on where to host it? I was thinking FileFront, but I'm not sure if this would be against their hosting rules, and I don't want to get myself banned...

The Hombrew Hunter
June 29th, 2006, 20:41

I don't think they actually care, up to 1gb files can be hosted.

And no problem, it's my thing ;)

Edit:The GIF in my last post moves faster due to lower speed. Tell me if I should upload it to an image website.

Ah, here's the new one's link anyway.

June 29th, 2006, 22:06
Here's the Potion of Power episode hosted on Badongo:


I'll be doing the Gameboy episode too, but it might not be up until tomorrow morning.

Cap'n 1time
June 30th, 2006, 04:46
Here's the Potion of Power episode hosted on Badongo:


I'll be doing the Gameboy episode too, but it might not be up until tomorrow morning.

I'll be gone for two weeks in like 8 hours, anyway do you torrent?

June 30th, 2006, 04:48
Hmmm...I've never made a torrent file before, I'm not sure how to go about doing it.

June 30th, 2006, 05:05
nothing beats captain n :D

And those older zelda cartoons where good too :D

The Hombrew Hunter
June 30th, 2006, 05:06
I can NEVER torrent. It never connects for me...

Also, anyone else want an animation?

Edit: I showed my friend (my age) The Legend of Zelda the First Episode, and he hid under my bed. Unappriciative little shit.


July 1st, 2006, 18:10
Hey, finally got the Gameboy episode on Badongo (had trouble with it yesterday). So here it is:

Hope you enjoy it. I may add some extra stuff to this thread yet, though, such as front and back scans of the VHS boxes if anyone's interested. Or scans of the Captain N comics, in which Megaman is a no-show, but instead is replaced with Samus. This made the comics a bit more interesting, as Princess Lana and Samus often competed for Kevin's affection.

Oh, and Homebrew Hunter, keep up on that comic! It's a bit rough around the edges right now I'd say, but I think it's great you're doing it, and I'll bookmark it to check back! (might want to think about making them a bit more horizontal instead of so very vertical? just a thought)

The Hombrew Hunter
July 1st, 2006, 19:23
I thought about that. And yeah, but we've created a great bit of ideas during classes in school...It'll get better.

And scan the comics, man! Those are probably hilarious!

And check out the comic Monday. It should be finished by then. Friday's will be good too.