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View Full Version : Ds Organise 3.2 internet wont work

December 4th, 2009, 17:02
I have got a r4ds with a 2gb micro sd card i have installed Ds Organise 3.2 on it but it internet wont work,it will connect but when i try to open a page like google it will say,the wifi connection is flaky, but i don't think it has anything to do with my wifi as my other games on my ds are able to connect to the wifi easily. Any help on this will be really help fully thanks in advance..

December 7th, 2009, 15:02
my problem is DS ORGANIZER dooesnt work in nintendo DSI (touch screen doesnt work when wireless on). the web broser in dsi cant read flash videos/download anything

January 9th, 2010, 14:21
Not sure if im late on reply here but.

Dsorganise doesnt work well now, i mean for me the update when you check browser for homebrew games is old. The best bet is perhaps go for bunjalloo (spelling?) for a web browser, or maybe another.