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View Full Version : What Are You Playing This Weekend?

December 5th, 2009, 01:51
It's once more into the Nexus, friends, as I revisit Demon's Souls this weekend—hopefully to wrap the things up—so that catch-up review can be written and so the world might be mended. So the world might be mended.

I've also got some more New Super Mario Bros. Wii to play, helping me make those all-important game of the year judging decisions that we love to do during the holidays. While I play some of the year's bigger titles thinking about how deserving they are of consideration, I realize that the game's that occupied most of my time this year are quite old. Dead Space and the original Left 4 Dead have probably seen the most playtime on my consoles, but Demon's Souls is getting up there.

And it probably will be one of the games I play the most in 2010. Or so I'm thinking.

Anyway, any thoughts about your own game of the year choices? And what are you playing this weekend, anyway?


December 5th, 2009, 01:58
Started 360 Fallout 3 but don't like it so far and just hope it gets better, and still got RE5 to play.

December 5th, 2009, 10:23
Maybe a bit of MAME stuff, other than that testing out my Sonic Xtreme - Metal Sonic remake.

December 5th, 2009, 18:20
Started 360 Fallout 3 but don't like it so far and just hope it gets better, and still got RE5 to play.

I started Fallout 3 on the PS3 last night and I think it's going straight back on Ebay. Got out of the bunker and I'm now asking loads of stupid questions in the Saloon. Does it get better?

December 5th, 2009, 19:33
Been playing Yu gi oh 5Ds Tag Force 4 through adhoc party... YAY!!!

December 7th, 2009, 06:34
Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2!!! I picked it up today for 20% off over at a Gamecrazy!