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View Full Version : SWAT Team Called In Over a Lego Gun [Lego]

December 5th, 2009, 21:20
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/gizmodo/2009/12/lego-gun.jpgA normal night at the office got interesting when neighbors spotted a man with what appeared to be a pistol. The SWAT team (http://gizmodo.com/tag/swatteam/) was called in, only to find out it was a pistol built from Lego bricks.
According to an account on Jeremy Bells' blog (http://blog.jeremybell.com/2009/12/03/so-i-got-arrested-by-the-swat-team-last-night/), he was hanging out at the office playing Call of Duty. Suddenly, the SWAT team was knocking on the door, and they sent more than just a few troops. Listen to this description of the event:

A co-worker said she saw at least 6 SWAT, 2 uniformed officers, 2 undercover and a chopper in the air. I've since been told that the surrounding streets were blocked off with five cop cars in total, two ambulances, and a dozen cops all taking positions of cover around the office.
That's a pretty incredible response considering the complete lack of danger. Whether the response was excessive is up for debate, but if I were the police, and a someone sent in the highly convincing image above, I would probably panic too.
As soon as the team found out the "weapon" was made out of Lego Bricks, everyone went home. All's well that ends well! As a bonus, the good people of Toronto can sleep well knowing that the SWAT team is very well prepared to handle this sort of situation. [CTV (http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20091203/lego_gun_091203/20091203?hub=Toronto) via Geekologie (http://www.geekologie.com/2009/12/man_gets_swatteamed_over_lego.php), Jeremy Bell (http://blog.jeremybell.com/2009/12/03/so-i-got-arrested-by-the-swat-team-last-night/). Thanks B3ND3R.]

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