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View Full Version : Q2Rev Release 1 - Quake II for the Nintendo Wii

December 8th, 2009, 00:56
Q2Rev Release 1 released by Izhido

A port of the original id Tech 2 engine (Quake II) to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.

The engine is almost feature-complete, with sound & network play. The only missing functionality is the CTF (capture-the-flag) module that was added later into the engine.

Get the newest release, and find out what's new, at http://dsotaku.drunkencoders.com/Q2Rev/Q2Rev.html


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December 8th, 2009, 04:17
It works great except the wii controls are a little weird. You have to hold the "A" button to be able to look around with the Wii sensor. Another thing is when you go into Video settings the game will crash, and load times are a little long. Online works great BTW.

December 8th, 2009, 07:11
Yes, load times suck, but I can live with it.

No Open Gl, or GX or what ever it is called on the Wii, so you are stuck with software mode like on the XBOX.

I don't see the point of having to hold "A" to look around. "A" could be put to better uses such as jumping which could then free up Z for Crouching, so I don't have to look at the damned virtual keyboard every time I crouch with C.

Default Key bindings are pretty messed up all around.

I.E. the directional pad is set for movement and turning when it would be better used for item selection or something.

I hope these problems get sorted out, but in the mean time, it's got me excited...

...but sadly it's too irritating for me to get addicted to yet, whic sux because I LOVE Quake 2!!!! It's a shame they cursed it with the above mentioned.