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View Full Version : Buying A Neo Geo Pocket, From GameStop, In 2009 [GameStop]

December 8th, 2009, 04:20
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2009/12/500x_neo1.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2009/12/neo1.jpg)It's not every day that you're able to walk into a 21st-century GameStop, hand over $50 and walk home with a Neo Geo (http://kotaku.com/tag/neogeo/) pocket, almost ten years after SNK stopped making the thing.
But that's exactly what happened to reader Steven this past week, a casual conversation with some friends at a local GameStop leading to a search of the nationwide retailers database for, of all things, a Neo Geo Pocket Color (http://kotaku.com/tag/neogeopocketcolor/). Turns out it pays to search for obscure consoles, because instead of being told there were "0" in stock, the search said there was "1" in stock (pre-owned, of course). And not just "1", but five games to boot.
So orders were placed, and whaddya know, the system wasn't lying; Steven swung by the GameStop on Saturday to pick up his order, which consisted not only of a working Neo Geo Pocket Color, but Pac-Man, Fatal Fury: First Contact, Samurai Shodown 2, Metal Slug: 1st Mission, and Neo Turf Masters.
All for $48. Nice work, Steven.
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2009/12/500x_neo2.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2009/12/neo2.jpg)

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