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View Full Version : Boxy II version 0.4

June 19th, 2006, 15:26
Hi folks,

I have made a new version of boxy ii. THIS IS NOT A LUA GAME !!!! ( alot of sites say it is so hopefully now they know otherwise)

I have added an early version of the chaos game mode for you to play. hopefully you will enjoy it. I also did not change the names of the game directories so that alot of you don't have a problem with this, hope it helps.

Please not however that this is still not the final version of the game so there can and probebly will be errors in it. I have however tested the game alot of times and I have played session for over an hour so it is more stable as the previous release. However there is still one bug that can come whenever wherever and i haven't figured that one out. I you come across it please let me know what exactly was the current state of your level or something so that i can narrow my search for the bug.

Well as ussual some new screenshots of the new themes:


and my change log:

version 0.4 fourth release


- Chaos game mode added
- add option to turn on/off musicplaying
- add option to turn the chaos mode to random or classic theme changing
- at pause the music also pauses
- at pause the time also pauses
- new skin (Cards)
- new skin (reptile)
- after quit the game through select first you'll get the gameover screen to fill in the highscore
- Random music mode
- with normal music mode pressing L goes one song back


- (when music is turned off in the options screen the game won't crash on the account of not being present any mp3 songs.)
- randomly crash on next theme fixed.
- options bug reads correctly now
- premature deletion of blocks when line was not beyond that point is fixed.
- bugfix special block
- fixed the black screen bug

Still to come

- Trigame game mode (not sure if it will be implemented)
- Highscores for each game mode
- Animated backgrounds (don't know sure yet)
- wave support for ingame sounds
- ingame menu

known bugs

- when you restart a game like 3 times the fourth the game will crash
- After deletion of some blocks (sometimes after 45 minutes of playtime :( so debugging is tough) the game crashes

EDIT:: i have only a version 1.5 psp so i can't really test for higer versions, please let me know how it works on higer versions, thanks

June 19th, 2006, 15:49
Thank you.

June 19th, 2006, 16:12
i'll start playing with it inmediately...

for the bugs:

-(i thought of this one, but couldn't replicate it) when it's processing a big amount of blocks (big combo) on the left and suddenly it finds another big amount of blocks to process, while the other is still there.

by the way, i had an idea that might be worth trying about the random crashes

is it possible to build a couple of test versions with things dissabled?

for example:

-eliminate the combo stuff, and make all the blocks just disappear, like normal ones, withouth extra processing

what i mean, is make a minimal version of the game to test, with only the minimum things needed to play (no music, no special effects, no combos, etc) and test it, if it works great, lets add some things and test again

I'll be more than glad to spend hours playing these minimal versions to help you find the problem.

anyway, thanks for your effort

i love this game!


June 19th, 2006, 16:35
I'd just tried it and it doesn't work.

could anyone else on 2.5 confirm it?

I installed a shell on top of eloader yesterday and it might interfere, but 0.3a works perfectly, so it might be the new Boxy...

June 19th, 2006, 16:57

I changed the zip to let it run hopefully also on higher firmwares (used some kernelmode code for testing, forgot to remove it)

can someone let me know if it works?

xiringu: Yes, i try something like that, but the biggest problem is that it just happens whenever you don't expect it, last time i played one and a half hours when it occured so it is still a pain in the *** to find it, but i will try your methode when mine just won't work.


June 19th, 2006, 17:12
yeah this works on my 2.6 without a problem

June 19th, 2006, 17:56
i tried 0.4a and didn't work

i remove the shell, to go back to bare eLoader and ... nothing

how comes it works on 2.6 and not on 2.5?

has anyone else tried it?

is it just my psp or every 2.5?

June 19th, 2006, 18:51
Looks really great! Will play like crazy once the two nearest finals are done.

W00t I'm in the credits! Thanks mate :)

June 19th, 2006, 20:00
xiringu, i really don't know what the problem is since frmariam also got it to work and he has 2.0, i myself has 1.5 and someone had 2.6 on which it also works. Theproblem is that i don't have money to buy a second psp (find it a bit overkill also) so i can't test it myself, hopefully someone else can help you with this

greets ghoti

June 19th, 2006, 20:13
love this game. always look forward to updates and bug fixes. great work

June 19th, 2006, 20:28
This looks really polished and nicely made. Nice job!

June 19th, 2006, 23:05
this is great but I already got Lumines... Does anyone know of a good Tetris game, with music?

June 21st, 2006, 14:52
ok i have 2.01 and i dont get i work.
im on eloader 0.97 and when i select boxy than psp screen gets black an turns off. i dont know why this works on 2.6 but not on 2.01 or 2.5. Whats the diffrence? i also tried to delet the txt files and add new but it diddnt helped.

any suggestions?

June 21st, 2006, 17:44
Strange... Someone else in 2.01 and 2.5 to confirm?

You know the fw aren't exactly equal and there seem to be some differences in the eLoader core for each fw althoug usually the apps work the same... But this usually is most noticeable in tiff vs GTA (and tiff seems to be losing :( ).

June 21st, 2006, 18:06
hmm i would help ghoti to be beta tester for new versions, which work on 2.01;)

June 22nd, 2006, 08:41
I would gladly test this out on my 2.6 and record any bugs and get back to you ghoti.I just dloaded it so give me about 2 days to thoroughly test it.
p.s Thanks for your hard work.

June 22nd, 2006, 09:01
fricken sweet bro all you promised and more ;)
gr8 stuff ghoti its cool you implemented the themes suggestion and speaks to your charicter .....glad to see its about the feed back :) cant wait for the next one this is one of 3 psp worthy puzzle games released for me and im not a big puzzle fan but this is my fav psp puzzle game hope to see more from you ghoti gr8 work again bro ;)

June 22nd, 2006, 15:53
everybody can ply but not meee:-(

June 22nd, 2006, 18:18
ok, well i think i found a bug. Every other time i play i get to the furture world theme and sometime while im playing it freezes. Its happened like 4 times. I really like this game though. i play it for ours at a time.

June 22nd, 2006, 18:39
tweed: check you pm

publicprivates: Does the crash only occurs when you have the future skin? Do you mean by freezes that it crashed? Sorry for those crashes, there is one bug which i can't identify and thus cannot solve, i have narrowed it down, it happens with me always right before blocks has to be deleted. nice that you like the game :)

greets Ghoti

June 22nd, 2006, 18:43
well, it crashes only on the future world theme for me.ill check some more lol:) I also have problems with mp3s where it make it sound like aerosmith songs sound by alvin and the chipmunks when it should just sound like aerosmith lol!

June 22nd, 2006, 18:57
Hi , yeah about the songs i know that, i use the mad library and it doesn't support the compressed mp3 file (or whatever they are) i'll look into that the last since it will require alot of time since i did not wrote the mp3 library

June 22nd, 2006, 19:32
I still can't make 0.4 or 0.4a work on my 2.5

has anyone succeeded in playing on a 2.5/2.6 psp?

i've seen one post here saying so, but ... is this guy the only one?


Little DJ
June 22nd, 2006, 19:40
that funny the same game one the psp how u do that plz help the noob

June 22nd, 2006, 23:45
be friendly man not his fault, many have that prob, so me too. but i hope ghoti can solve it and i would help;)

June 23rd, 2006, 09:20
Ive played this game for about 4 to 5 hours and it keeps crashing after the future theme,I dont have any problems with mp3's...yet,they play as they should.It also crashes when i play 4 different game modes back to back,usually after i change the game mode for the fourth time.
For those 2.6 users just place the folder w/o the % in the game folder,its that easy.I have 2.6 and it has worked like a charm.
Thanks Ghoti 4 an exceptional release,I have enjoyed this game sooo much.Keep up the GREAT work!

June 23rd, 2006, 14:43
I was playing with 0.3a, then I overwrited with 0.4a and stopped working.

what i found out is that it was a problem with some mp3 I had in MUSIC.

so, if 0.4a doesn't work for you, try deleting your MP3 from MUSIC.

you can still play with music (I do), but some of the mp3 that worked on 0.3a don't work now on 0.4a


1st - delete ALL mp3 from MUSIC
2nd - if you want music, add few mp3 at a time to see if they work or not

that's all I can say :)


I made more testing, and it seems that the problem is not the mp3 files, but any other file in MUSIC that IS NOT an mp3.

i think that it is enough for 0.4a to work if you make sure there's no files in MUSIC other than MP3s (eg. no .TXT, no .JPG, etc)

good luck

June 25th, 2006, 18:07
Ah some time to play :)

Here are some icons I made if anyone is interested. It'll match Pochi style and it looks nice in eMenu since we have no bg pics of the eboots (it only shows the single green square...).

http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/5439/boxy9qx.png (http://imageshack.us)http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8962/12su1.png (http://imageshack.us)http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/8500/28sj.png (http://imageshack.us)http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/9516/35eu1.png (http://imageshack.us)


Ok here is a bug I saw in caos mode. I don't know if it happens in any of the others... Some squares would disapear and others would be left floating in the air.

http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/503/ss0as.th.png (http://img230.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ss0as.png)

June 26th, 2006, 18:14
yeah i know that but i think this belongs to chaos mode, or not?

June 26th, 2006, 19:19
Hi frmariam,

it is not the anti-gravity mode? because that mode stops all blocks from falling except the current active blocks

June 26th, 2006, 19:53
Not sure... Does it prevent the blocks from dropping after some blocks are deleted? I'll check again.


My bad :p Seems it was a correct behaviour. I just thought it was not because I got the Bonus warnig and not the Anti gravity mode warning...

Do you think you can add some small icons with a timer (maybe beneath the next piece image) to display when these mode are active or the remaining time (most times I only notice when the behaviour changes)?

June 26th, 2006, 20:25
When you enter anti-gravity mode then for 3 linesweeps the blocks won't fall except the active ones you can control but if you remove some blocks the blocks that lay above will not drop because there is no gravity

September 14th, 2006, 12:50
excuse me for asking, but how do you get your game to work? i have version 0.4 of your game. i'm running eloader .98 with PSP OS version 2.6. Everytime i try to start your game it crashes my PSP. Any ideas on what to do? thank you. Erick