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June 19th, 2006, 18:49
:) i had a map idea when replying to a thread the other day to make a city where everyone could put there houses what i mean is everyone who can make maps if you want your house in dcemu city pm me and tell me the scale im useing is the wall in the tutorial is 9 feet tall bu my house looks allittle small so when i finish my house and test it ill give you a better scale but you can just use that scale then if if needs to be bigger just import your house so you have everything selected then go to scale and change it but for now just use wall hight =9 ft i think it will be pretty cool. so yea and when i say make your houses i mean detailed! really detailed. and i have a question does anyone here use paint the one that comes with windows when i make a texture do i save it as 256 colors of 24 bit ( i have another program to make tga) cause everyone just keeps saying 256 color 24 bit and i dont know which one to save as. but yea me and another guy (sry i cant remember your name but when i see it ill remember) r going to be in the first relise so if any one wants to be in dcemu city just pm me. and send me your house. if you want ill relise it as soon as i finish my house even if no one else has there house there so you can get an idea. o btw if im not on aim or u dont wanna pm me my email is [email protected] (same as my aim) so yea that was a pretty long post lol:) :( :confused: :mad: :p ;) :D :o :rolleyes: :cool: :eek: YEA!

June 19th, 2006, 18:51
o yea make sure you guys dont make crappy glichy houses use 64 by 64 brushes ok and dont make your textutes too big because there going to be alot of them because theres different textures for every house

June 19th, 2006, 18:53
o one more thing im going to texas for a week on wendsday so i wont be able to work on it so hopefully you guys can get your houses ready (my laptop has that graphics bug thing durring mapping)sry for the tripple post

June 19th, 2006, 20:48
Take a few more English classes to learn more about punctuation and grammer, and then I might read what you wrote. :D

June 19th, 2006, 21:27
Idea is really original... but hardly realisable!
If I have time - I'll make my House map 4 IRIS, but I'm not sure. Anyway - GL for your project! =)

June 19th, 2006, 22:18
wow, can you say like 4 fps?

this is a good idea, but make sure it's not too big

June 19th, 2006, 22:28
it will only be that slow outside inside a house it would be like a regular map because there is no big open spaces

June 19th, 2006, 22:29
lol yea i know i cant wright expecially cause i just typed wright like 10 times and i still dont think i spelles it right

June 19th, 2006, 22:33
does anyone have the answer to my texture question
a question does anyone here use paint the one that comes with windows when i make a texture do i save it as 256 colors of 24 bit ( i have another program to make tga) cause everyone just keeps saying 256 color 24 bit and i dont know which one to save as

June 19th, 2006, 22:34
write! thats how u spell it lol sry

June 20th, 2006, 02:28
also learn to use the edit button, there is no need to have 3 posts in a row.

June 20th, 2006, 03:49
sry about that

June 21st, 2006, 21:06
Is english your native language? :confused:

June 21st, 2006, 21:19
Hey fakenotreallie, how is your progress going with your house? I havent started mine yet, i need to get textures to match with things in my house.

When i do get progress ill show a pic of my room and a pic from my map.

June 26th, 2006, 21:56
ok i have to start working on my typeing i type way to fast and dont read it back yes english is my native languge lol and about my house i have the frame of it done (walls and floors) also a car a street and another open lot. i have to texture it then put in things from my house

June 26th, 2006, 23:45
Will our house`s be many different maps or are u gonna want our maps when we are done to edit them to your map to have one BIG map?

June 27th, 2006, 17:59
i was thinking neighborhoods like 3-5 houses per a map because i would like it all to be one map but there are all of thouse limatations

July 6th, 2006, 00:19
i was thinking neighborhoods like 3-5 houses per a map because i would like it all to be one map but there are all of thouse limatations
Yeah....this will be great when PSmonkey allows there to be bigger maps on iris...also i'll try to work on my house but i cant seem to get my pics to convert right for iris...once thats taken care of, i'll be done within a week...then i'll go over it for about a few days then i'll send it to you...

July 6th, 2006, 17:14
yea thats my problem i have to draw all the textures cause coveted pictures look like shit

August 23rd, 2006, 20:39
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhaah ahha>>>>>>>> sorry yhat sounds really cool online houses

August 24th, 2006, 22:47
I wish i had an update on my house........ive put off mapping for vacation and now that school has started its never gonna get done (and also i am not able to convert pictures correctly, so go figure)but when ever there is a set date on the mapping comp. i will sure be in that..........but till then.........no new maps from me