View Full Version : Need help on creating NEO4ALL disc

June 20th, 2006, 23:45
Hi there folks,

I don't know why I can't make NEO4ALL work here. Guess I've done everything right, but still it doesn't work. Here's what I do:

1. Get Neo4all RC1 .BIN and unscramble it
2. Create an .SBI (with SBI Builder) from the RC1 .BIN
3. Put the created .SBI on "Sbi" folder of selfboot inducer and click the barcode icon (http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/3093/inducer7ub.jpg)
4. Paste NeoGeoCD bios (named "neocd.bin") on "Inducer" folder, where are found the created IP.bin and 1st_Read.bin
5. Click the DiscJuggler icon on Selfboot inducer and create a .CDI file (which I burn on A120% RAW/DAO)

... So I put the disc on my DC and after the Dreamcast logo (not the Sega logo) it gets loading and loading on a white screen and then stops...

I was able to create a disc with this same proccess before, why can't I get it to work now?

My previous PC was AMD AXP 2600 + WinXP SP2. Current is AMD Sempron64 + WinXP SP2.

June 21st, 2006, 02:42
here ya go:

last i checked, you need to use the neogeoMVS bios, not the NGCD bios. dont ask where to get it!

June 21st, 2006, 04:16
That's AES4ALL, the original poster is referring to NEO4ALL and seems to be doing everything right.

Are you using new CD-Rs or something? Have you tried other discs lately? Maybe your Dreamcast is just picky.

June 21st, 2006, 19:47
Yeah, I was talking about Neo4All, the Neo Geo CD one. I've just tested several discs on my DC (including homebrew) and they all work fine :(

Maybe my Windows is bugged or something. I'll consider formatting it. Thanks for the heads up.

June 24th, 2006, 16:41
Maybe try using Alcohol120% in TAO mode instead of RAW/DAO ?

Also: I don't understand exactly why you are using Selfboot Inducer. Maybe try BootDreams by fackue aka Lying Wake:
