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View Full Version : Oddest situation I have ever been in....

December 13th, 2009, 09:01
So last night, a few of my good mates took me out for my birthday to The Pub here in the 'boro, and we went a saw a show, then headed to Dirty Jim's to finish our wallets off. Ok, we killed the pub's taps in a little under 2 hours and headed off to the show, which was ok, but I'm not really in to ska, not a big deal. My best mate, Nick, and I polished off 2 pitchers a piece and who knows how many shots, so by about 1am I'm feeling just about right. After the second set, we left, not really feeling the music anymore (or at all, take your pick), we head down to Gentleman Jim's (aka, Dirty Jim's, since it's the older of the 2 in town, it's just a bar, not a skin club) I headed straight for the bar and got 2 pitchers and headed back to the table. Feeling good, we killed them off in a matter of minutes, and I head back for more and get a couple of shots of Wild Turkey (not my favorite, but I wasn't buying) and I was just chilling at the bar, waiting on my order a couple of dudes walk up and this is where I begin my confusion/oddest situation I've ever been in. I'm sipping on a Guiness, simply because we can't get it in a pitcher, I order one. One of the two guys asks what I'm celebrating, and I tell him I just turned 24. They buy a few shots, a toast, and I think nothing of it. A couple of minutes, they come back and order a couple more shots and another toast, and down the shots go, one by one. This is where I'm probably the most drunk I've ever been. One guy says something about my wedding ring, the other asks "Can I have you?" I'm at a loss of words, I've never been hit on by a dude in a bar, it's kind of awkward since they did just buy some shots and everything. Before I answer with something to the effect of me being married and so forth, I am grabbed from the back by what I thought what must have been a football player or something. I turn and come face to face with one of the largest, most drunk women in my entire life. Hands come flying in rubbing my hair, neck, and shoulders. Her and one of her friends had heard that it was my b-day and that we had a party going on and decided to tell me happy birthday. At this point, I'm very very uncomfortable to say the least. I've got 2 guys buying me drinks on the left, 2 very large women touching me on my right and everyone is saying something about my hair and how cute I am (I assume, my drunk translator was broken at the time). Nick's laughing his ass off and I sign for him to get our sh!t from the bartender and stealthily squeeze my way away from the madness of the bar to bathroom, then back to our now packed table and back to my drinks, and I'm greeted with questions about how many numbers did I get and how big to I like my women. That killed my buzz for a total of 5 minutes.

So yeah, sorry about the long post, just wanted to know, has something like this ever happened to any of you guys or gals? How did you handle it?

PS - I still have a headache.... :thumbup: