View Full Version : Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein clones removed from Android Market

December 14th, 2009, 16:35
Developers are claiming that ZeniMedia - the parent company of games firm iD Software - has filed a DMCA takedown notice with Google to remove clones of Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein from its Android Market Store.
The move may simply be for copyright protection purposes, but it could signify the imminent debut of official Android versions of some or all of the games.
However, the news is slightly confusing, given that the source code from at least one of the original games, Doom, is available open-source.
Clones of the games are still available from sources other than Android Market, however.
Google's store is certainly coming onto the radar of more games developers right now, thanks to increasing Android handset sales.

However, its Market still has a Wild West feel when it comes to copyright - witness the popularity of retro console emulators, which are barred from some other app stores (including Apple's).
