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View Full Version : need help with snes9x tyl PSP and snes9x Pc

June 22nd, 2006, 21:10
in the newst version release there was a function in the menu that let u inport saves from the pc emu to the psp and i wanna take my psp saves and play them in my Pc emu is there any way to do that.......or imma gona have to play (???) for almost 17 hours all over again :eek:

June 22nd, 2006, 21:55
The saves should be universal. I think it's the savestates that you have to import. O_o Saves (the *.srm files, sram saves) are universal through different emulators, ZSnes/SNES9x/what-have-you. It shouldn't be a problem. I think it's the savestates that it's referring to (which is generally different amongst different emulators).

^_^ Good luck.