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View Full Version : This place isn't even good for news anymore

December 17th, 2009, 00:16
off-topic is dead, junk is dead.

I remember when these forums were thriving and full of interesting people.

Now there is no-one left and nothing going on.

So, the news topics are good right?

Wrong, out-dated and inaccurate news + spam from Wraggster is another reason to go to a 'good' forum.

I hope all of the idiotic moves you made was worth it, enjoy your barren forums.

December 17th, 2009, 00:57
The homebrew scene has been slow since early last year. Since it's slow, a lot of members don't come around anymore. Either that or they left because of drama.

When I finally signed up about 2 years ago, the PSP scene was still going pretty strong (with shit like PicoDrive being released). Even though Junk was gone, it was still an incredibly active site.

It started slowing down with the PSP scene and, despite the 360 and Wii being hacked, remains slow. :/

EDIT: Anyway, later Triv1um. Enjoy the 'other' forums. :P

December 17th, 2009, 02:24

I'm sorry, but that's really all a post like that deserves. A site about homebrew slows down when the homebrew communities it is about slow down. There's not much that can be done about that. People leave, people move on with their lives. Its not any site's job to entertain you. If you want to have a more active site, then go about it. Do something other than complaining. Contribute if you really care.

Otherwise, go on your way and don't let the door hit you on your way out.

I'm sorry if this seems mean-spirited, but posts like this annoy me.

December 17th, 2009, 08:14
I'm sorry if this seems mean-spirited, but posts like this annoy me.

Well, he is a PS3 fanboy.

December 25th, 2009, 09:14
Bluecrab said everything that needed to be said.

Homebrew has slowed down on all fronts and thus so has community websites like this one. All we can do is wait it out.