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View Full Version : ICP Phlash portal ver. 1.2 released!

June 26th, 2006, 04:15
Here is the next release of the Phlash portal, which fixes a few bugs and has a few bonuses to boot.

In this version, you can see:

Network Portal Update folder issue fixed
"Chopper Drop" and "Sudoku" removed because of incompatibility
Links added
"Text Reader" added to Application SideBlade

NOTE: If you have this portal bookmarked or set as homepage, you must change the address from "file:/psp/swf/home.swf" to "file:/psp/common/swf/home.swf".

If you REALLY wanted to play "Chopper Drop" or "Sudoku" there is a link (second one down on the list) that has them working.

Once again, this version is not suitable for Network Portal Update, but the next will be. Promise.


P.S. Sorry about the RapidShare. DCEmu won't let me upload the zip here for some reason...

omg i need caffeine now why do i always update these at night?!?

June 26th, 2006, 04:17
indian cheess you could have just pm'ed me the release and i would have posted it strait to the front page a well just wait till kaiser swings thru and he'll do it

btw great portal keep up the good work you should get coder statue's you deserve it

June 26th, 2006, 04:20
Thanks a lot! I am already seeing some small bugs that will be addressed tomorrow!