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View Full Version : Thirteen1 Giving Away 50 Star Trek Online Beta Keys

December 21st, 2009, 16:28
Between now and Jan 1st 2010, Thirteen1, the entirely free-to-read web-based gaming magazine, are giving away 50 beta keys for Cryptic's highly anticipated upcoming MMORPG, Star Trek Online.

Already set to be one of most popular games of 2010, Star Trek Online is finally bringing the much loved Star Trek franchise to the MMO space, with gamers and “trekkies” falling over each other in a bid to get their hands on early access. From Dec 21st to Jan 1st, Thirteen1 will be randomly giving 45 keys away through their twitter page, with another 5 up for grabs in their community forum.

How it works
When Thirteen1 makes a tweet announcing an open window of opportunity, you will have 3 hours to go to their website via the tweeted link and enter both your e-mail & Twitter name. After the 3 hours are up, Thirteen1 will automatically pick a winner and announce it on their Twitter feed. Opportunities to win beta access are scheduled to be randomly “tweeted” from 5pm GMT on Dec 21st, with up to 5 chances to win every day until Jan 1st.

Once you have entered, you will be automatically entered into the draw for every window of opportunity – meaning 1 entry puts you into all 45 draws! (Christmas is a busy time, after all)
However, if you want to increase your chances of winning, you can enter your details every time a new window opens and multiply your chances of getting beta access.

In addition to the twitter giveaway, Thirteen1 will also be giving 5 keys away through their community forum. All you have to do is tell them why you deserve a key here - http://www.thirteen1.com/forum/index.php?topic=4182

Thirteen1 did this for Cryptic's other recent MMORPG, Champions Online, and some of the entries were fantastic. The best 5 posts will each get beta entry to Star Trek Online.
TIP – Be original and catch the eye of the judges. A daft video or a picture always goes down well!

Follow Thirteen1 on Twitter for a chance to win now - http://www.twitter.com/Thirteen1mag

Good luck!

Want to win a massive bundle of awesome games and merchandise? Dive into the free-to-read December issue of Thirteen1 and enter their special Christmas competition now - http://www.thirteen1.com/Issues/mag.php

The issue also features a round-up of the best games of the year, a countdown of the best christmassy locations to ever feature in games, exclusive interviews with Star Trek Online & The Secret World and much, much more.