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View Full Version : TinyLoad 0.2 released

December 22nd, 2009, 15:20
TinyLoad 0.2 released by marcan (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/TinyLoad)

TinyLoad is a simple original Wii game launcher. You run it, it launches whatever's inserted into the drive. Simple. It ignores game regions, so it's region-free. It won't install updates. It won't load burned copies. There are no controls or settings.

The user interface shows two things: progress, and error status. A white bar across the bottom of the screen shows the current (rough) progress. If an error is detected, a portion of the top of the screen will turn red. It will then attempt to launch The Homebrew Channel (only applies to recent versions with the JODI Title ID). If this fails then it will simply hang.

If the launcher freezes with the progress bar visible and no red error box, then you've probably hit a bug. Try the debug version if you have a USB Gecko.

If it freezes with a black screen after the progress bar has reached its endpoint and disappeared, then the game itself is freezing.

I obviously have only tested this with a few games. Chances are it doesn't work with every Wii game out there.

The debug version requires a USB Gecko and shows debug messages over it.


System Menu 4.2 forever broke region free via modchips
I have a USA Wii which I regularly use with EUR games
Gecko OS is somewhat annoying and recent versions are unstable (for me anyway)
I refuse to perform retarded firmware mods.
I autoboot HBC via BootMii-boot2 and using the System Menu takes longer anyway.
I also think that low-level apps that tightly hug the hardware are very educational, so why not. And hey, the code is pretty short, so you ought to be able to read it completely and learn how all this crazy Wii stuff actually works :-)

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