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View Full Version : Datel cracked PSP's encryption process? - Any use for PS3 community?

December 29th, 2009, 14:26
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2009/12/datel-cracked-psps-encryption-process.html

First: Merry X-Mas to all of ya!

To continue, I want to grab the news I just read. Datel may had success in cracking the PSP's encryption process and sign EBOOT's to run their own software on official firmwares, including the newest and the PSP Go hardware.

Why do I post it as I only focus on PS3 you may wonder, but hey the PS3 just got it's PSP emulator to be able to run the PSP Minis. I didn't do any research on that yet, but well I guess it's the same as with the normal PSP games you could play on the PS3. The package file is extracted to PS3 HDD and runs the unpacked PKG files including the PSP EBOOT.BIN.


So may this be an idea to run PSP homebrew software on the PlayStation3? Possible. May Datel have thought bout this? No clue, but I'd like that to be tested. Replace the PSP EBOOT.BIN on PS3 HDD and start your selfsigned application.



Ok guys, as mathieulh is a lot more familiar with PSP related stories, thanks to him I can tell you now that my little idea won't work. The reason is, that the Datel technique requires the application to run as UPDATE. The PSP runs the program in update mode which the PS3 won't be able to emulate at all. So sorry, no PSP homebrew on PS3, at least not via this way.