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View Full Version : Psplink 1.0

June 29th, 2006, 17:30
News from PS2Dev (http://ps2dev.org/News/PSPLINK_1.0)

Okay so it finally reached version 1.0, mainly cause I can't be bothered anymore to keep remembering to tweak a letter.
So what is new then, well the main thing is the introduction of the USB Asynchronous Provider Framework, with this you can write your own tools to communicate between the PC and PSP all while PSPLINK is running normally. The USB shell and GDB already use it and ive added two samples, a simple echo server and a tool to allow you to use a PC joystick connected to a linux PC and use it to control the PSPs joypad (useful for presentational work I guess). It doesn't work on Windows because I haven't written a tool to do it (and probably never will).

Of course that isn't all, usbhostfs_pc now listens by default on localhost only for abit of extra security, I added more vfpu disassembly, I made usbhostfs_pc default to 64bit file io on linux (and others such as Solaris in theory). And I have added support for the memory stick get free space command so you can now run up the VSH with a remapped host0:->ms0: and confuse your friends with your 250GB memorystick :)

This is most likely the last release of PSPLIJK in it's current form, I might start working on a new version we will have to see.