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View Full Version : help with disk juggler and .cdi!

June 30th, 2006, 19:13
i have a few .cdi files that i want to mount onto CDs for dreamcast... i use diskjuggler, and after i set the source cdi and thedestination, it says "The structure of the CD is an invalid format and may cause errors. Would you like DiskJuggler to fix it during burning?" and there are yes and no buttons. if i click yes, it burns normally and when i try playing the burned CD it goes straight to the DC home menu. When i go to play, the system just resets. If i click no when it asks to fix the structure, it burns normally and when i try to play the cd it plays the SEGA screen but does not continue after that... The REALLY confusing part is that SOME CDIs will work fine. The same CDs that have the "wrong structure" will work with other CDIs....
I was wondering if someone could help me with this or tell me an alternate way to burn these CDIs. BootDreams doesnt work either, as whenever i click BURN it just freezes up. (this is getting silly)

June 30th, 2006, 20:05
BootDreams doesnt work either, as whenever i click BURN it just freezes up.
I'm the person behind BootDreams. Can you explain this further like the version you're using, etc.?

July 1st, 2006, 07:47
use ALCOHOL 120% in TAO mode for burning *.cdi images for Dreamcast

используй ALCOHOL 120% в режиме TAO для прожига *.cdi образов для Дримкаст

July 1st, 2006, 19:59
Fackue has a nice tutorial at his site: LINK (http://www.consolevision.com/members/fackue/index.php?Tutorials:How_to_burn_CD_images:CDI_imag es)