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View Full Version : NEOGEO Emulator for PSP beta 4 (NeoGeo MVS Emu for PSP)

July 1st, 2006, 10:36
NJ (http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/#download_alpha) has updated his NEOGEO Emulator for PSP to beta 4

Heres the excellent Translation by our great forum member b8a

Top News:
-Updated NEOGEO Emulator for PSP beta 4.
As nothing major as been updated, there's no reason to go out of your way to update to this version.

Download details:
binary Download beta 4 (18:00 Switched out the file since there were some slight problems with the Japanese environment)
*As this update has no direct relation to the emulation, there's no reason to go out of your way to update to this version.

-Made it so that it displays the game name, not the zip file name, in the browser.
If the zip file is displayed in red with the zip file name, that means that the zip file name is incorrect. (In that case, please rename the file to be match up with MAME 0.106)
-For what's changed, please read the readme.txt.
-I think the basic portions are finished, so I'm going to get working on fixing the CZ80 bugs. When the fixes are complete, I'll make the next release (planning on Release Candidate 1). It'll probable take quite a bit of time, so please be patient.

beta 4 What's Changed (from the readme):
-Made it so that it displays the game name, not the zip file name, in the browser. If it's a correct zip file name (a MAME 0.106 file name), then the game name will be displayed. In the event that that it's not correct, the zip file name is displayed in red (and will not launch).
*For users of the Japanese environment, please copy the file/folder that you get from decompressing the included resource_jp.zip to the ngepsp directory. This will make it so that the game names will be displayed in Japanese.

Download and Give Details via Comments

July 1st, 2006, 11:01
Top News:

-Updated NEOGEO Emulator for PSP beta 4.
As nothing major as been updated, there's no reason to go out of your way to update to this version.

Download details:

binary Download beta 4 (18:00 Switched out the file since there were some slight problems with the Japanese environment)
*As this update has no direct relation to the emulation, there's no reason to go out of your way to update to this version.

-Made it so that it displays the game name, not the zip file name, in the browser.
If the zip file is displayed in red with the zip file name, that means that the zip file name is incorrect. (In that case, please rename the file to be match up with MAME 0.106)
-For what's changed, please read the readme.txt.
-I think the basic portions are finished, so I'm going to get working on fixing the CZ80 bugs. When the fixes are complete, I'll make the next release (planning on Release Candidate 1). It'll probable take quite a bit of time, so please be patient.

beta 4 What's Changed (from the readme):

-Made it so that it displays the game name, not the zip file name, in the browser. If it's a correct zip file name (a MAME 0.106 file name), then the game name will be displayed. In the event that that it's not correct, the zip file name is displayed in red (and will not launch).
*For users of the Japanese environment, please copy the file/folder that you get from decompressing the included resource_jp.zip to the ngepsp directory. This will make it so that the game names will be displayed in Japanese.

July 1st, 2006, 11:09
How do you get the roms to work in this version? Ever since Beta3 i haven't been able to get the roms working. I have the Bios i have the roms but ever time i try to load a rom it says its named incorrect. Can someone tell me how they got there roms to work? Maby i'm putting them in the wroung place because i have it set up exactly like i did in beta 2 only its not working. If anyone can help its appriciated. Thanx

July 1st, 2006, 18:48
yea most roms tel me the same thing =/ i think you gota rename them to mame list

July 1st, 2006, 18:48
mame list???

July 1st, 2006, 18:50
i forgot what the name is but theres a file that tells you the filename you have to rename them to so you dont get incorrect file name if i remeber il tell you

July 1st, 2006, 18:53
dang i cant get eny game to work i tried mslug2 with the cache file and it tells meh crc32 np pm rom something like that

Mr. Shizzy
July 1st, 2006, 19:04
So this is just regular NEOGEO and not NEOGEO CD?
I have the neocd already, but the NEOGEO would be hot!!! Could someone in the know please post a step by step f.a.q. on how to rename the ROMS ect... Much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

July 1st, 2006, 19:25
Instead of downloading the Neogeo roms, download the Mame roms instead, its that simple.

July 1st, 2006, 20:50
wow another up date alrady....humm hope the next one will be a big update and give sound to kof and mslug!!! :D

July 1st, 2006, 22:21
Man how do you ppl even play MetalSlug? I mean I have all of the bios versions and tried most.

And my games were all passed through RomCenter and are completely correct!

I always get the region_gfx3 error... Only roms I tried that I could play were Puzzle Bubble and Soccer Brawl!

July 1st, 2006, 22:32
So this is just regular NEOGEO and not NEOGEO CD?
I have the neocd already, but the NEOGEO would be hot!!! Could someone in the know please post a step by step f.a.q. on how to rename the ROMS ect... Much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

Correct this neo geo (mvs) the arcade /cartrige version

July 1st, 2006, 22:42
For the bios problem, try not to rename the folders to correct the "corrupted icon" problem with 1.5 fw, just keep them like they look in the emu zip, maybe that'll help.

July 2nd, 2006, 01:07
can someone tell me for what is the cache file and what does it do with the roms?

Cho Aniki
July 2nd, 2006, 01:30
Sound now works in Magical Drops 3 ^_^

July 2nd, 2006, 01:46
Sound now works in Magical Drops 3 ^_^

quetion where did you put the roms and what did you need to make it work. because im being trying this emu for long time and i cant make the roms to work...?

Cho Aniki
July 2nd, 2006, 01:57
using firmware 1.5 to run the emu I ran magical drop 3 through the convertor tool and put the cache file in the cache dir and the magical drop 3 romset in the rom dir , voila

July 2nd, 2006, 02:18
using firmware 1.5 to run the emu I ran magical drop 3 through the convertor tool and put the cache file in the cache dir and the magical drop 3 romset in the rom dir , voila

thanks :D

July 2nd, 2006, 02:30
OK, Here goes.

to get playing on Beta 4 (tested on FW1.5):

-Download Beta 4

-Download MAME versions of the neo geo titles you own and want to play and place them (zipped) in the roms folder in memstick


-Download neo geo bios (MVS/mame) and place zipped in roms folder as above

-Download AES and UNIBIOS roms (vrsns 1.00 - 1.2 only), unzip and drag into this zipped neo geo bios rom in roms folder

-place zipped converter program (found in BETA 4 dwnld) into seperate folder + run the converter exe program by double clicking it (then find rom you want to convert and click)

-place the files that appear in the converter >cache folder into memstick Cache folder


-put it in the beast and start playing

July 2nd, 2006, 03:18
oh my god thanks wilbur.finaly its working .

let me say my eyes are sore and damn tired ,
this has been all day and most the week trying to get this working
but it was all worth it ,thanks man

July 2nd, 2006, 13:23
in some games there is often written that something couldn't be opened. for example metal slug 2. after the first levle there were so many files which couldn't be opened that you couldn't recognize environment
can anybody help me please?

July 2nd, 2006, 13:27
I'm likin this update its nice to see the names of the games rather than the zip names.despite this i'm still praying for the day when we can have the large file games with sound.

i love this emu,thanks again NJ. your work is un touchable.

July 2nd, 2006, 14:47
can you guys recommend MUST HAVE neogeo games? so far ive tried 2020 baseball, metal slug 1 and 2, samurai shodown 1 and 2, and...windjammers. thanks!

July 2nd, 2006, 14:52
btw does anyone know why we can only play games with bin files? how come games like marvel vs capcom dont work?

July 2nd, 2006, 15:47
Must haves IMO are Burning fight,Roboarmy Sengoku series,Ninja combat,Magician lord,Pulsar,Cyberlip,Mutation nation,King of the monsters are just a few of my must haves.

July 2nd, 2006, 16:12
can you guys recommend MUST HAVE neogeo games? so far ive tried 2020 baseball, metal slug 1 and 2, samurai shodown 1 and 2, and...windjammers. thanks!

if you try googling neo geo reviews or neo geo gallery you get some good review/screen sites that can help decide which are the ones for you.

July 2nd, 2006, 16:43
thanks, ill try those out, and check out reviews

July 2nd, 2006, 17:18
neo geo emu rc 1 released

July 2nd, 2006, 17:19
check site