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View Full Version : PSP:OSX Versions of usbhostfs and nethostfs for iR Shell Now Available

July 1st, 2006, 11:22
PC users can ignore this, but for the two or three of us in this forum that run OSX, this is great news. dagowatt at the official iR Shell forums (http://www.phpbber.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=397&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=771809730bbd7a65a6ed9f2132d4426c&mforum=irshell) has been porting usbhostfs and nethostfs to OSX, so now us mac users can also take advantage of iR Shell's new ability to stream files directly from the computer to the PSP.

usbhostfs: http://wattks.uw.hu/Mac/programok/usbhostfs_MAC.zip
- No MP3 playback (Copy it to the MS0)
- Copy .jpg to MS0: be corropted .jpg (open from Mac)"

nethostfs: http://wattks.uw.hu/Mac/programok/nethostfs_MAC.zip
- Zip / Rar bugs"

July 1st, 2006, 13:03
i personally dont run osx, but its nice to see that mac people arent being forgotten. :)

July 1st, 2006, 13:13
I do run OS X.
Thank you VERY much for supporting Mac!
I was running windows under emulation just for the wifi host!

July 1st, 2006, 14:18
AH GREAT!!! Is there a manual on how to set it up? Ive tried changing airport ip address on OSX and IR SHELL but I only get "can´t connect to host" message...


EDIT: I messed around with OSX version, now it works (don´t quite remember how)! Can´t see any movies/mp3s in XMB though. And streaming mp3 in IR SHELL seems a little slow. Any suggestions?

July 1st, 2006, 16:32
thankyou soooo much

July 2nd, 2006, 01:49
Thanks for supporting the Mac, from one of the 2-3 people on here who use one :-)

July 2nd, 2006, 02:55
I'm a Mac user, thanks for the support. It is greatly appreciated!

July 2nd, 2006, 05:25
Sincere thanks!

July 2nd, 2006, 20:29
Glad to see that everyone enjoyed the news. But please remember, I had NOTHING to do with the development or release of this software. If you want to thank the author, please use the first link in the news post to go to the iR Shell forums and leave him a message.

July 2nd, 2006, 20:30
mac @_@

July 3rd, 2006, 23:37
Cheers to the folks from iRshell.

I cant believe anyone else could forget about us Mac Users.
People who lothe mac are those who want a two button mouse. Apple have been good to us and implemented a pressure pad with the macbook and then we just press two fingers on the pad and presto secondary click!

Also you PC wannabies have many viruses and spyware to worry about so nyah nyah nyah.

August 22nd, 2006, 10:06
Great Forum - quite alive!
Hello there, i was lucky enough to come across your little nethostfs port for OSX. Great stuff, because i'm trying to get my psp to work as a streaming client with my MacBook directly without a router. There is a new app out there called iR shell 2.0 that turns the psp (FW1.5) into a real adhoc device, for details see below. Has anyone tried it yet with a mac? Im gonna try it tomorrow when i have a little more time! cheers


Hi there!
Just an update, maybe someone explain to me what exactly nethostfs.exe does and if it could work with OSX, not the PC exe but a modified Linux version maybe, for further infos read below:

There seems to be a custom shell for the psp that does what i need but only with windows: its called iR shell 2.0 and has the feature to turn the psp into a real adhoc device:

Under Features, point 5, it says :

Added support to allow Infrastructure WiFi homebrew applications to connect to a PC via adhoc without having an access point. To enable this support, turn on the option “Allow Adhoc PC Connection for Homebrew”. Pls turn off this option to use normal adhoc gaming features.

Read below for further instructions from the Readme:

For nethostfs support, it's a bit more complicated as it involves networking configurations. After unzipping the nethostfs archive to your PC (both Windows & Linux are supported), you can launch it as follows:

nethostfs usage:

Usage: nethostfs [options] rootdir

rootdir: The defined dir will be used as root dir for PSP. Use /cygdrive if you want the PSP to see all drives in your PC.


-p port : TCP port number

-l login_password : Password for client PSP to login

-h : Print this help messages


nethostfs -p 7513 -l mypass /cygdrive

This will allow your PSP to access all drives in your PC. You'll also need to configure the following under iR Configurator.

- XMB Network for NetHost: Choose the network entry which you've defined under XMB Infrastructure Network Settings.

- NetHost IP/Name (AP): This is the IP address of Domain Name of your PC to provide nethostfs access.

- NetHost IP (Adhoc): This is only used for Adhoc WiFi PC connection as discussed in the next paragraph.

- NetHost Port: The TCP port to be used, such as 7513 in the example above.

- NetHost Password: The password to access nethostfs service on the PC, example mypass.[/code]
Adhoc WiFi PC Configuration:


The PSP firmware 1.5 does not allow your PSP to connect to a PC via Adhoc WiFi, the Adhoc WiFi connection only supports PSP to PSP communication. To connect your PSP to your PC, you'll normally need an Infrastructure Access Point. However, iR Shell utilizes a little trick by using the network drivers from firmware 1.0 to allow you to connect your PSP to your PC via Adhoc WiFi.

To use adhoc PC connection, follow these procedures below.

1. Place the following PRX modules from a 1.0 firmware dump. These files are not included with iR Shell distribution for legal reasons. It doesn't matter whether the files are encrypted or decrypted. Encrypted files are smaller in size.





2. From your XMB, goto Network Settings->Infrastructure Mode.
- Enter a connection name with "adhoc" as prefix (case insensitive). Example, "Adhoc PC1". The adhoc prefix tells iR Shell this is an adhoc entry. Without adhoc prefix, iR Shell will treat it as a regular Infrastructure settings for Access Point only.
- Enter the SSID name for your adhoc network. Don't use Scan as it won't allow you to scan adhoc networks.
- Use WEP encryption to your preference.
- Choose Custom under "Address Settings", then choose "Manual IP Address Settings". Enter IP address manually, example "". For "Default Router" entry, type your PC's IP Address, example "". Enter an arbitrary DNS address.
- For Proxy Server, choose "Do Not Use". Then save settings and skip test connection.
3. Goto iR Configurator, select the appropriate XMB Network Config entry. Then, enter your PC IP Address under "NetHost IP (Adhoc)" entry. This PC IP Address is used for adhoc connections. For infrastructure connections, iR Shell uses the IP Address/Name defined under "Nethost IP/Name (AP)". The reason for having 2 different entries is to avoid making changes to your configurator when switching from AP to Adhoc.
4. Done. You can now use nethost0 via Adhoc mode under iR Shell. If you enable to option "Allow Adhoc PC Connection for Homebrew" under iR Configurator, this will even allow your existing Infrastructure WiFi homebrew applications to use Adhoc WiFi to a PC.
So far so good, but what exactly does nethostfs do? Any idea? Also i'm not sure if i can configure wlan under OSX the same way i can with XP. I could start the macbook with xp but this is not what i want!

