View Full Version : dos on dreamcast...

December 8th, 2004, 12:46
could it happen...

there is a program called DOSBOX... that has already been ported to linux...

i would love to have a dosbox for dreamcast...

could the dosbox for linux possibly be ported to dclinux or maybe even to dc wince...

here is the link to dosbox opensource for anyone interested in trying to port it...


later and happy gaming,

December 8th, 2004, 13:24
too slow, too big, too bulky, C++.

this has been discussed before and what came out of it was BholeDC, a port of a project that come up to address games not found in Dosbox that were later added. I dont know if there will ever be more releases of it, but if the PC emulator gets updated (the author is busy) the DC one will also be updated instantly.