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View Full Version : PSP Used to Control Robot

July 2nd, 2006, 17:47
Netoo of France has created a neat project that is used to control a robot with a PSP via WiFi.

The robot has a moveable arm and can take pictures too.

Check out the Videos (http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=netootheouf)

July 2nd, 2006, 19:25
I wonder what the they will come up with next lol

July 2nd, 2006, 21:53
i know this isnt to the subject but i cant understand how wraggster could hav made so many posts, its unbeleivable.

July 2nd, 2006, 22:12
Well he's not only on psp-news.dcemu.co.uk . There's a whole network. But yeah, it's still amazing.

July 2nd, 2006, 23:42
It's nothing new.
Someone a few months ago managed to control a contraption with a PSP and a DS(not at the same time) that was used to press buttons in a XBox controller.
The basics are the same, the only change is that the contraption is now a robot, but I bet the same app is used.

July 2nd, 2006, 23:50

......now i just need a robot

July 3rd, 2006, 01:03
i know this isnt to the subject but i cant understand how wraggster could hav made so many posts, its unbeleivable.

yeah 18,000:eek: thats a lot of posts compared to my 12:p :p :p

July 3rd, 2006, 07:23
this has been posted already

July 3rd, 2006, 07:35
thats cool man

July 4th, 2006, 07:32
i remember the good old psp controlled Honda Civic LOL

July 4th, 2006, 09:49
Yeah i remember that aswell. That was cool!