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View Full Version : Remainders - The Good, Bad and Ugly Things We Didn't Post (and Why) [Remainders]

January 13th, 2010, 06:20
In today's remainders, glimpses into possible futures: for some, the iPhone 4G can't come soon enough; Windows Mobile 7 isn't coming anytime soon; the BlackBerry 8910 is definitely on its way; and a concept lamp with a dim future.
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2010/01/500x_remainders-12.12-1.jpg4G Orgy
The Korea Times had everyone atwitter today with their report that the iPhone 4G could launch as early as April, sporting, among other improbabilities, an OLED screen and a removable battery. There's a lot to doubt here: that Apple would switch to a removable battery when they just did the opposite with their laptops; or that that they would let corporate clients try out the phone before a consumer release. It mostly seems like everyone is just jumping on the wishful thinking train. There was another rumor that Apple had snatched up the entire supply of 10.1" OLED screens from Asian suppliers, but Jon Stokes Tweeted a more reasonable explanation as to why no one could get their hands on those particular screens: no one mass produces them. (http://twitter.com/hannibalrex/status/7679855846) [SlashGear (http://www.slashgear.com/4th-gen-iphone-coming-april-oled-dual-core-cpu-removable-battery-tipped-1269651/), Apple Insider (http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/01/12/apple_corners_market_on_10_1_inch_lcd_oled_screens _report.html)]
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2010/01/500x_remainders-12.12-2.jpgWinMolasses 7
Windows Mobile 7 has been delayed time (http://gizmodo.com/5342619/windows-mobile-7-epically-delayed) and time (http://gizmodo.com/5424680/dont-wait-up-for-windows-mobile-7) again. The latest: Windows Mobile 7 is delayed until 2011. Why? Because manufacturers are too in love with Android. Poor Microsoft. [PC World (http://www.pcworld.com/article/186716/windows_mobile_7_delayed_until_2011.html)]
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2010/01/500x_remainders-12.12-3.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2010/01/remainders-12.12-3.jpg)BlackBerry Season
The first picture of the BlackBerry Curve 8910 leaked to the internet, and there's not even an exciting code name to go with it. As we saw with the its predecessor, the Curve 8520 (http://gizmodo.com/5331885/blackberry-curve-8520-lightning-review-cheap-not-just-the-good-kind), as well as the Pearl 2 (http://gizmodo.com/5417932/first-3g-blackberry-pearl-2-video-leaks-earns-striker-codename), the new Curve will sport a trackpad instead of a trackball, which seems to be the way things will be from now on with BlackBerry. Nothing exciting here at all really, except for the small thrill you get from seeing anything that can be considered a "spy shot." Still, there's always hope that the next Curve could be a real curveball.
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2010/01/500x_remainders-12.12-4.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2010/01/remainders-12.12-4.jpg)[B]Not That Dandy
This concept lamp, deemed the Secret of Light, is made to resemble a dandelion. The secret of this light? You shake it gently to turn it on and blow it to turn it off, you know, like you'd blow a dandelion. But here's something that's not that big of a secret: shaking and blowing this lamp is going to get pretty annoying, pretty fast. Add that to the fact that this looks like it'd be just about as fragile as a real dandelion, and you have an idea that's going to be hard to pollinate into a real product. [The Design Blog (http://www.thedesignblog.org/entry/dandelion-inspired-secret-of-light-lamp-revives-childhood-memories/)]

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