View Full Version : What Next for PSP Emulation?

July 6th, 2006, 00:22
Emulation on the PSP is at an amazing level and with access to Kernal mode for 2.6/2.5 users maybe coming soon it may mean that the N64 emulators can get a speed boost through that, same for GBA etc.

Its very hard to spot a fake until its revealed and at the mo we have 2 emulators causing such eyebrow raising, we have the PSX Emulator and also the Ultrahle port, yes its most likely doable to see both and also its most likely they could both be fakes, unless its release news or say from a known coder and not one someones never heard of then take it as fake until proved otherwise.

OK what next for PSP Emulation, well so far we have seen lots of different emulators for many systems released but i wonder if the PSP can handle a Virtual Boy emulator, yes it was a failure but interesting none the less, also a Daphne Laserdisc or a 3D0 emulator all 3 systems would be great reborn on the PSP.

What would you like to see next on PSP Emulation ?

July 6th, 2006, 00:25
How about a CPS1/CPS2 EMU


July 6th, 2006, 00:28
hey im new to Dcemu, but not new to PSP, so dont treat me like a n00b. oh and to answer the question id be very excited with a fully supported mega drive emulator that works on all firmwares at full speed, has ad-hoc multiplayer, and supports all ROMs. that would make my day! then to move on to GBA, do the same with that, then to Nintendo 64, as in to follow the pattern of when the machines were invented.

July 6th, 2006, 00:30
Full speed GBA, also, if N64 gets a good enough speed, why not DS?

July 6th, 2006, 00:32
Exactly How I Think!

July 6th, 2006, 00:41
why not DS?
no touchy-screeny.

personally, I'd LOVE to see a Saturn emulator, but I doubt that'll ever happen... :(

July 6th, 2006, 00:48
a more polished mame, though mame4all is quite good.
CPS2 (Final Burn or Kawaks port),Sega Cd, 32X
Sharp X68000 computer (Tons of perfect arcade ports).

July 6th, 2006, 00:58
I would like to see a sega cd or ps1.

July 6th, 2006, 01:02
a more polished mame, though mame4all is quite good.
CPS2 (Final Burn or Kawaks port),Sega Cd, 32X
Sharp X68000 computer (Tons of perfect arcade ports).

I would love to see Sega CD and 32X... Some awesome games on there that I'd love to play on the go :P

July 6th, 2006, 01:21
I agree that a CPS1/CPS2 emulator would be amazing! A Saturn emu would be brilliant too, but it probably wont be done.

I don't really think a DS emulator would be very good, mainly because then people would just steal all the games and Nintendo would lose out, and I really LOVE Nintendo. Same with GBA really, they are both still in production and available to buy. I only agree with emulating systems that aren't being sold anymore i.e. Megadrive, Snes, N64.

July 6th, 2006, 01:28
N64 by far. Sold my 64 a couple years back. Forgot how good some of the games were. Would be quality to be able to play them on the PSP.

July 6th, 2006, 01:37
Howsbouts a PSP emulator for the PSP?

July 6th, 2006, 01:46
Howsbouts a PSP emulator for the PSP?

RedKinG14CA that is called an i s o loader it has already been done, im really surprised a dcemu pro does not know that:)

July 6th, 2006, 01:49
hum let see...

-cps2(kawaks or finalburn)
-better flash player
-mame (not mame for all)
-somekind of java player or mobil phone emulator so we can play all the mobilephone game...
-adhoc multiplayer on neocd, snes, neoP, genesis

that would be enough i think...:)

July 6th, 2006, 02:00
Sega CD for sure...oh man

Lunar 1&2 (Granted the PSX versions would be better but let's be realistic)
Shining Force CD
Sonic CD

good games...good times

July 6th, 2006, 02:04
Off topic: I think you should become a PRO and the other guy should become a newbie. Odd how did he get the rank of a PRO when he doesn't act like one? And you have the rank of a newbie but you act like a PRO? I think some switching around is in order LOL.

On topic: All i really wanted was a Neo Geo emu. And there is one now, altho its limited...I guess other arcade machines emulated would be cool too.

July 6th, 2006, 02:04
Lets see...what would be good for PSP...

Good GBA Emu
N64 emu
32X Emu
Sega CD Emu
Better Game Gear Emu
Nintend DS Emu (not an April fools)
Usable Windows 95 on PSP

July 6th, 2006, 02:07
who knows but a 1.5 to 1.0 downgrader ^_^ :eek:

July 6th, 2006, 02:11
Originally Posted by RedKing14CA
Howsbouts a PSP emulator for the PSP?

RedKinG14CA that is called an i s o loader it has already been done, im really surprised a dcemu pro does not know that:):D lmao ;) :p

its true bro :rolleyes: .....but at least he's BLISSFULL:)

" _________ is bliss" anyone care to fill the space?....lol...come now hes GOT TO BE JUST BUSTING OUR CHOPS GUYS 4 real ;)

July 6th, 2006, 02:11
Full speed GBA, Snes, Genesis, Sega CD, Saturn. That's all i want :D

July 6th, 2006, 02:15
Emulating a Pentium 4, 3GHz, 1000Ram, 256 ATI Video card and 300GB Hard drive space... All on my PSP.

That kind of emulation would be awesome! Then I could do some crazy, insane things with it!

Like Solitaire! Mmmm, dreamy... :rolleyes:

July 6th, 2006, 02:17
now thats funny...lol.....solitaire...:)

July 6th, 2006, 02:23
Lets see...what would be good for PSP...

Good GBA Emu
N64 emu
32X Emu
Sega CD Emu
Better Game Gear Emu
Nintend DS Emu (not an April fools)
Usable Windows 95 on PSP

I think that a good widows 95, 98 linux would be Sweet.

July 6th, 2006, 02:27
I think Playstation should be emulated for two reasons: it has tons of good games, and it would be funny to see some coder beat Sony at creating a Playstation for PSP.

July 6th, 2006, 02:27
I just thinking that a virtual boy emu would be perfect for the psp. There are plenty of buttons and you could use either red and blue/polarized glasses or that eyepiece thing for MGSA to substantiate the 3d effect. Red Alarm or Mario Tennis on PSP would be very sweet!

July 6th, 2006, 02:30
Just a basic x86 emulator that allowed us to play some of the older pc games like starcraft, half life 1 and age of empires 2. Now that would be sweet, but i doubt that it is possible.

...some coder beat Sony at creating a Playstation for PSP.

I am pretty sure that sony's ps1 emulator will run flawless or they wouldnt even try to sell the games because who is going to pay to play a game at half speed.

July 6th, 2006, 03:07
Howsbouts a PSP emulator for the PSP?

I find it funny people though that comment was dumb. Im pretty sure that was a joke. much like the "emulate a pentium4 etc etc" comment.

Anywho, I really need to have a full speed N64 emu, even if it only supports Mario, zelda and goldeneye.
(that one had BETTER not be fake)

if it IS fake, then someone else make one that is real, and is how that one was gonna be.

anyway, I dont know if it counts as emulation, but the DDR "emulation".. PSP Revolution (the "port" of stepmania) That is currently my favorite game.

PS1. it also needs to be done (as homebrew) it won't beat the sony one, but I'd use thta over a "forced-update-to-use-PS1-emulator-and-lose-homebrew "sony release.

with how well N64 emus are coming, Id think SNES would be better than it is. kinda annoying to have to use frameskip...

Well, I'm over my long post. the emu world has a ton of other grounds it can cover, and I await it with open arms.

July 6th, 2006, 03:23
a chair emulator!

On the screen it shows the bottom of a chair, and thats where you sit!

July 6th, 2006, 03:28
how bout:
a true mame (i mean full mame, like pc version)?
a good upgrade to snes emu
a good n truly full alternative to psx emu from sony
in general upgrade all emulators, less processor usage, full speed, full compatibility, wifi ad hoc on all of em...
in my opinion thats a lot to do before start thinking "what next..."

July 6th, 2006, 03:29
How about a Fred Astaire emulator? I watched to much Dick Van Dyke!

July 6th, 2006, 03:48
Everything in my mind has almost been done,
-there is still more room for improvement in all emus
-I think a palm OS or palmpilot emulator wouldbe great but i think it requires to much power
-I think that The majority of the psp scene relies/depends on more hardware hacks. such the memory hack im descretely working on, tobe used with ir shell (its a small computer), or somthing like a tv intena that could capture and play video, Or last of all a RAM extention for faster use in general
-All this I think is in the futur, plus more xploits and hacks geared toward the 2.7 and futur firmware

July 6th, 2006, 04:06
I wanna see a Sega CD emulator... Snatcher <3 <3
Also DosBox would be nice

July 6th, 2006, 04:40
Warcraft2 on my PSP and they would have to dump a cold bucket of water on me to get me to let go.

July 6th, 2006, 04:48

SF2/turbo/ce/m hacks

July 6th, 2006, 05:02
all i want now is N64 , Raine , and a Mame that supports the real good games.

July 6th, 2006, 05:03
Atari 7800. All the others have been done.

July 6th, 2006, 05:08
now that I think about it, a MAME that supports both Sonic fighters and VIPER Phase 1. That game ROCKS

July 6th, 2006, 05:12
a Pce CD/Turbo Duo wich supports mp3 music and with full fx sounds.Hue is almost perfect but needs this two features to get to it.

July 6th, 2006, 05:21
a Pce CD/Turbo Duo wich supports mp3 music and with full fx sounds.Hue is almost perfect but needs this two features to get to it.
TRy this emulator works great . PCEP v0.7 Turbo Grafx 16 / PC Engine Emulator

July 6th, 2006, 05:41
did i mention CPS1/CPS2 arcade emulation MARVEL vs CAPCOM PORT EVEN ....need that on the go!!

July 6th, 2006, 05:55
There's a nice amount of emulators out there, and it would be great to improve them all in terms of MORE FPS, MORE OPTIONS or MORE COMPATIBILITY, especially the ones with more software available for them, but I'd also like to get a decent emulator for:

PDA/Palm (to use all the apps)

I think these are kindda missing....
and Java, but I've heard Java is going opensource in the next few months so, that's on the way ;)

July 6th, 2006, 06:11
How about a new bochs with keyboard support so we can have linux

July 6th, 2006, 06:28
Tried the PceP07 emu, the mp3 plays but very choppy and buggy, would be cool to have it with good sound.

July 6th, 2006, 06:30
did i mention CPS1/CPS2 arcade emulation MARVEL vs CAPCOM PORT EVEN ....need that on the go!!

you know when the ps1 emulator comes out we should have that...eventually

id say some aplications, such as MS office/works

i cant wait till the gba is full speed and the n64 works...thats all i need...the things i stated before is just greedy

July 6th, 2006, 06:55
Nintendo DS!! So we can show who the real king of portable media is!!! also when the camera comes out what features can coders use to our advantage!! think of the possibilties!!

Cho Aniki
July 6th, 2006, 07:06
A upgrade of the Jaguar emu would be nice , like frameskipping/turbo option and maybe support for jaguar CD games.

July 6th, 2006, 07:16
Maybe some emu in 3d with each layer of scrolling offset for use with the solid eye viewer

July 6th, 2006, 08:34
A Toaster emulator... put bread in umd drive... then the psp runs at an overclocked 333 mhz..

July 6th, 2006, 08:52
CPS1/2, Chankast PSP (dreaming is cheap :) ), and Mame4all, N64 and PSX fully emulated.

July 6th, 2006, 09:59
A Toaster emulator... put bread in umd drive... then the psp runs at an overclocked 333 mhz..

Just tried it... Uneven browning Im afraid :( (maybe I should see if ZX has any ideas for improvments!) ;) (maybe $ony will release a 3.2 "toastie" firmware and try and force us to upgrade!) :mad:

ZX has filled pretty much all my emulator expectations (God bless that man!) :D I think that once the PSX emu and the N64 emu are done (its only a matter of time!) I can die a happy man! :)

July 6th, 2006, 10:54

it's rather funny that u say you are against UMD piracy, and then u are asking for a way to play pirate DS games

is it only UMD piracy u are against? lol

July 6th, 2006, 11:02

it's rather funny that u say you are against UMD piracy, and then u are asking for a way to play pirate DS games

is it only UMD piracy u are against? lol

That's EXACTLY what I was just gonna say! To be honest I dont give a crap about UMD piracy cos I really don't like Sony and only still have the PSP cos of the awesome homebrew. DS piracy however is really crap, I like giving my money to Nintendo cos they make brilliant games.

July 6th, 2006, 11:52
I want a xbox360 emu, full speed of course!

July 6th, 2006, 12:14
I want a xbox360 emu, full speed of course!
R you for real.:confused:

July 6th, 2006, 14:49
CPS-1 and 2 (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Neo Geo (Snk vs Capcom)

July 6th, 2006, 14:54
Agreed... fully working CPS1 and CPS2 would be amazing. :)

July 6th, 2006, 15:10
all i'd really like to see is a slightly faster Snes emulator, one that needs no frameskip and a Genesis emulator that can actually save states (ala Snes9x...that one is my current fav)

bear in mind i am a 2.6 user and can only run Dgen 1.3, which does not save states (at least not for me, anyone knows anything, please let me know)

oh, and N64 at full speed would be just super.....GBA doesnt really interest me all too much, since i have a DS as well, but hey, im not one to not support all these kick ass coders, so what the hell, a GBA one too! ;)

July 6th, 2006, 15:15
CPS-1 and 2
fully working Amiga

July 6th, 2006, 15:30
SHARP X68K Please!!!!!!
and ATARI7800!!:)

July 6th, 2006, 15:30
I only agree with emulating systems that aren't being sold anymore i.e. Megadrive, Snes, N64.

you are a doughnut.

regarding emu's

PS1 would rule over all others

other good ones would be CPS1 &2

i was thinking the other day about systems that had not been done and thought of:
3D0 - though only for Road Rash (i cant remember any other game son it.
Atari Jaguar LMAO. i cannot remember any games on that.

i would also like to see an early PC emulator so i could copy over and play my original Ultimate Doom - with the 3,000 user made maps.
or a decent handheld Worms game LOL

also what about GAME WATCH emu? there was a cool snoopy game from back in the day.

July 6th, 2006, 15:35
To be honest I dont give a crap about UMD piracy cos I really don't like Sony and only still have the PSP cos of the awesome homebrew. DS piracy however is really crap, I like giving my money to Nintendo cos they make brilliant games.

you are low on intellect. how can you agree with xiringu and then make a comment that contradicts what you just agreed with???
how can you justify piracy based on the victim.
that is like saying it is OK to rape some women but not others????
or to commit genocide on one type of people but not another!!!
some people on these boards are dix and i am afraid that you appear to be one.

oh also, Tanis, there is a great Genesis emu with loads of features. if you wanna play it, downgrade your PSP???

July 6th, 2006, 16:01
I have to request a PS1 emulator, that a sony device has such a lack of Final Fantasy games, considering the gems that were released in the past is a crying shame.

Does no-one else want the original FF VII in a portable format?

Uruz 6
July 6th, 2006, 16:27
I hear you inerd

July 6th, 2006, 16:38
I hear you inerd
I see your using GBAVBA try ZX-81 hes emulator is way better then the one your using now.

July 6th, 2006, 16:38
hey im new to Dcemu, but not new to PSP, so dont treat me like a n00b. oh and to answer the question id be very excited with a fully supported mega drive emulator that works on all firmwares at full speed, has ad-hoc multiplayer, and supports all ROMs. that would make my day! then to move on to GBA, do the same with that, then to Nintendo 64, as in to follow the pattern of when the machines were invented.


Anyway I hope to see a DOS port.

July 6th, 2006, 16:40
I have to request a PS1 emulator, that a sony device has such a lack of Final Fantasy games, considering the gems that were released in the past is a crying shame.

Does no-one else want the original FF VII in a portable format?
Actualy the psp has a lot of FF games just depends on the emulator your using i know it doesnt have FF VII but not a game every one whants to play.

July 6th, 2006, 16:44
all i'd really like to see is a slightly faster Snes emulator, one that needs no frameskip and a Genesis emulator that can actually save states (ala Snes9x...that one is my current fav)

bear in mind i am a 2.6 user and can only run Dgen 1.3, which does not save states (at least not for me, anyone knows anything, please let me know)

oh, and N64 at full speed would be just super.....GBA doesnt really interest me all too much, since i have a DS as well, but hey, im not one to not support all these kick ass coders, so what the hell, a GBA one too! ;)
Heres a thought get the 2.60 downgrader if you can. Read to see if you can downgrade. Then get DGEN 1.60. Problem solved.

Uruz 6
July 6th, 2006, 17:02
Right, using SNES you can play up to the incredible (at least for me) FF6 and also Terranigma, Secret of mana ecc.;
anyway I'll try ZX-81, thanks for the info Acidburn05

July 6th, 2006, 17:10
What about a Sega CD emulator?

The Snatcher rom for msx is hard to find.

I want to play FFVII in portable format too, but a port is impossible an an emulator too far.

I will stay with Chrono Trigger :).

Uruz 6
July 6th, 2006, 17:30
PSPVBA is good but I hope we'll be able to reach the emulation level we've reached with the SNES.
Chrono Trigger.. brings back a lot of memories..

Mr. Shizzy
July 6th, 2006, 17:43
My Wish List:

1) PSX emulator (for 1.5 of course)

2) A finished N64 emu

3) full speed GBA (maybe if ZX-81 utilizes kernal mode?)


5) Better NeoGeo

6) 32X

Like I said this is a wish list. Some of these things may not even be possible. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

July 6th, 2006, 17:52
a full speed gba emulator for factory 2.6 users would make me happy. Hopefully the kernel eloader will help us get more speed

July 6th, 2006, 19:34
this is the best to come alone!

and then...
PS1 (is feasible for a good coder)
Commodore Amiga (an useable one)
MAME (a more polished one)

and then...
SNES & Genesis full speed

All of this is realizable on PSP... they have the necessary power.

See the GP2X scene!!!

No coders capable to realize core emu in ASM?

July 6th, 2006, 20:17
A Speak And Spell Emu!!
Although thats probably far too hot for the psp! Could it handle it?

July 6th, 2006, 21:15
i want it for firware 2.6 !!!!

July 6th, 2006, 21:49
N64 for Goldeneye
GBA for Winning Eleven World Advance
A GB emulator that Mr Do! works on

Those 3 things and i'll be happy.

July 6th, 2006, 21:51
Now i want to play MR. DO just curios never played it.

July 6th, 2006, 22:05
Now i want to play MR. DO just curios never played it.
Best arcade game ever in my humble.

Always sought it out in the arcades when i was on holiday as a kid.

The GB version is very different to the arcade one but is a good game in its own right.

Likewise the NeoGeo one.

The Snes version is very similar to the arcade one.

On Mame4all Mr Lo! is the only version where the graphics aren't corrupted.

July 6th, 2006, 22:36
you are low on intellect. how can you agree with xiringu and then make a comment that contradicts what you just agreed with???
how can you justify piracy based on the victim.
that is like saying it is OK to rape some women but not others????
or to commit genocide on one type of people but not another!!!
some people on these boards are dix and i am afraid that you appear to be one.

Did I say I support or am involved in UMD piracy, or piracy of any sort? Nope, I did not. All I meant was that I don't mind giving Nintendo my money and I don't like giving Sony my money.. doesn't mean I don't buy my games!! I own 3 PSP games, all of which retail UMD's that I purchused legally. You obviously just misunderstood my comment.

July 6th, 2006, 22:56
The following PC games absolutely MUST be emulated:

- Carmageddon
- Return to Zork

That is all thank you

July 7th, 2006, 07:26
PS1 or an up-to-date MAME!!!!!!

July 7th, 2006, 10:47
Did I say I support or am involved in UMD piracy, or piracy of any sort? Nope, I did not. All I meant was that I don't mind giving Nintendo my money and I don't like giving Sony my money.. doesn't mean I don't buy my games!! I own 3 PSP games, all of which retail UMD's that I purchused legally. You obviously just misunderstood my comment.

what is there to misunderstand?:
Originally Posted by chaos-is-me
To be honest I dont give a crap about UMD piracy cos I really don't like Sony and only still have the PSP cos of the awesome homebrew. DS piracy however is really crap, I like giving my money to Nintendo cos they make brilliant games.

either way, if you dont like giving money to Sony then why own a psp and a (massive collection) 3 games?? why not just stick with DS??
2 things that are lame:
1) people who are still stuck in mindset of Sony vs Nintendo (or vs Microsoft). surely you are mature enough not to ally with anyone?
2) people who bitch and moan about Sony but dont seem to appreciate the fact that they are playing a Sony PSP! even if it is for homebrew. why hate Sony? did a Sony exec run over your dog? i doubt it. so why be a Sony hater and love Nintendo? especially when you own and play a PSP?:rolleyes:

July 7th, 2006, 11:19
I just don't like any of the commercial PSP games, none of them appeal to me in anyway and the 3 I have got are crap (GTA:LSC, SOCOM and Monster Hunter.) If it wern't for homebrew I wouldn't have kept it past one week and if it wern't for the 2.6>1.5 downgrader I would've sold my PSP for a GP2X, Something i'm still considering.

I'll agree that when rereading my comment it did seem very biased and pro-piracy but that was just bad wording on my behalf. I apologise.

EDIT: Oh and the PSP was an impluse purchuse, didn't really think it through.. but it looked so shiny!!

July 7th, 2006, 14:48
Sega Mega CD would be nice.
But here's one that has fond memories for me :-
Commodore TRS-80. Ok it was black and white, but it had some ace games such as Attack Force. Strike Force, and Super Nova.

July 7th, 2006, 14:54
VPinMame would be awsome.

Pinball on the move :)

July 7th, 2006, 15:00

July 7th, 2006, 15:58
I just don't like any of the commercial PSP games, none of them appeal to me in anyway and the 3 I have got are crap (GTA:LSC, SOCOM and Monster Hunter.) If it wern't for homebrew I wouldn't have kept it past one week and if it wern't for the 2.6>1.5 downgrader I would've sold my PSP for a GP2X, Something i'm still considering.

agree that most of the commercial games on PSP are crap. which is very sad but true.
without homebrew and dev hook i would have sold my PSP long ago.
other things are a joke too - like the non-appearance of Gran Turismo and a platform specific Final Fantasy game

I'll agree that when rereading my comment it did seem very biased and pro-piracy but that was just bad wording on my behalf. I apologise.

no problem - we cool

EDIT: Oh and the PSP was an impluse purchuse, didn't really think it through.. but it looked so shiny!!


July 7th, 2006, 17:20
I will correct myself there and say that there is a good commercial PSP now, Loco Roco! I got it today after playing it on my friends PSP and it's really good!

Back on the subect of emulation, CPS1/2 is the emulator I want the most at the moment. Although a PSX emu would be awesome too. N64 emulation seems to be coming along nicely so hopefully we will see a boost in speed and compatibility soon.

July 7th, 2006, 18:05
psone would be great!

July 16th, 2006, 05:39
Sonic CD....which would mean Sega CD. It's jus basically for one game but that game is worth it.

the one and only
July 16th, 2006, 05:45
firmware 2.72+emulation :D