View Full Version : XBR-Flash for Linux v0.3 beta *Update v0.3.1*

January 13th, 2010, 23:54
News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/

Trancy released a new version of XBR-Flash. With LFlash it was already possible to update your XBReboot on NAND-16mb consoles directly from your Xbox 360 booted into a Linux Distro like Gentoo (so no need to flash over LPT or USB again). Based on LFlash, XBR-Flash however will now allow you to flash on 256/512mb consoles as well and comes with more additional features.
WARNING: Do not flash your NAND directly from the USB Drive, because the Linux USB driver has a bug and freeze after a while. Copy all needed Data from USB Drive to Desktop and flash from there!

What's new/fixed (v0.3 and v0.3.1):
* 2nd Hotfix for KV and Config Injection
* Added erase MU partition
* Added new command line interface
* Added full (256/512MB) read and write Nand support
* Small Bugs fixed
* Verify fix (v0.3.1)
* ...

Usage: ./a.out -d dump.bin -w xbr.bin -i [-I kv.bin config.bin] -ep -f
-d dump.bin Nand Dump file
-w xbr.bin XBReboot image file
-i Inject KV and Config from Nand Dump to XBReboot image file (see Notes)
-ep Erase Memory Unit Partition (only for 256/512MB or bigger Nands).
-f Full dump or write of Nand (e.g. Read and write 512MB on 512MB Nand).
-h Help: This text.

* If you are using the -i option, the KV and Config Data MUST BE VALID in your CURRENT Nand on XBOX 360.
* Option -f and -ep not allowed.
