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View Full Version : daxter...daxter....DAXTER RAAAAAAAR!(help needed..)

July 6th, 2006, 17:08
ok for about 2 months now i havent found ANYTHING to something running daxter im sick of looking around because its all iso's! someone please help or i will have to rip my frigging umd and mess it up to play daxter cuz thats the only way i see it fitting to work it i wanna do it legal without wasting space on my memory card i know the works just tell me what i gotta do.

(hope that cartman was telling da truth about daxter AND him loading it.jman umm kay shud check this out if there is a response to it :p)

this is a more way to spell it out to you picky *******S so you dont go flip when i say the word ISO im NOT ISOING HOLY FRICK! use youre brains why the hell would i be saying this here!!!

July 6th, 2006, 17:44

July 6th, 2006, 17:52
ok now one put pardon or yea in the thread if you cant say anything good dont say anything at ALL ok?

I heard that u gotta swap prx files with daxter to make it work but i dont think it works

July 6th, 2006, 18:04
Pardon? pardon? PARDON? DONT YOU GOD DAMN POST SHIT WORDS LIKE pardon or yea or oh wow cool shit i hate that in my threads if you dont got something good to say DONT SAY A GOD DAM THING AT all! AND JUST TO MAKE THIS POST WORTHWILE ILL ADD MY INFO TO THIS DAXTER PROBLEM

man chillout a little....

u don t get this kind of info here... try other site like ps2nfo.com

July 6th, 2006, 18:19
ok for about 2 months now i havent found ANYTHING to something running daxter im sick of looking around because its all iso's! someone please help or i have to iso. I KNOW HOW EVERY SINGLE LOADER WORKs AND HOW TO WORK THEM JUST GIVE ME THE NAME OF THE LOADER AND THE SETTINGS I DONT CARE NOW IF ITS AN ISO LOADER AS LONG AS IT LOADS A UMD I DUN CARE! COME ON PEOPLE HELP uS DAXTER DUDES GET WHAT WE NEED...........please?

(hope that cartman was telling da truth about daxter AND him loading it.jman umm kay shud check this out if there is a response to it :p)

let me spell it out for you...


*Sigh* This is the second thread i could have locked now if i was a mod...

July 6th, 2006, 18:27
let me spell it out for you...


*Sigh* This is the second thread i could have locked now if i was a mod...

I know, third for me.. Mostly newbies that don't understand how the forums work... This guy though is pretty much asking for a ban...

July 6th, 2006, 18:32
He is a dick as well... can't spell anything

and he doesnt even follow the rules

ps it's my 8th.. .i seam to find these constantly

July 6th, 2006, 19:23
Your asking how to run a legal copy of daxter and you get flamed, you got to love this forum.

This type of info SHOULD be here.

I too would like to know how to run a LEGAL UMD of daxter on my 1.50.

But you notice the way i did it without mentioning isos.

Oh and Dawd, I expect they would mod you if you asked.

July 6th, 2006, 20:27
he was talking about isos though!

its my fourth this week!
i just wish i could delete this crap

by the way...
im posting to get the mods attention

July 6th, 2006, 20:42
He's just trying to play the game, so don't hate him if that means using an iso.

July 6th, 2006, 22:50
This IS a "NO ISO" discussion

Tetris isn't trying to use in iso.
I so wish people would read between the spaces and give more useful posts than bolx like, for example;



"Sorry I can't answer your question".

nb...sorry if I'm a bit angry but I've got to format my harddrive due to a nasty infestation.

July 7th, 2006, 08:23
yea what the hell i said i have to ISO IF i cant get my daxter umd to work gosh ive read the rules but if i cant say the word ISO then how does ANYONE understand my problem? jeez

July 7th, 2006, 08:37
ok :dawd now im happy that you bricked youre psp! i think god sent it to you for a punishment for being so cruel!

:mr samehteblahblah whatever i dont wanna even spell youre name for youre stupidity if you think i ISO then youre wrong cuz i cant the only pussy here is you so go to hell and take that 8 and SHOVE IT UP YOURE ASS!!

Lotus: bah u couldnt understand thread so how you PROFREaD next time and it clearly says ILL HAVE TO ISO IF NO ONE HELPS ME not that asking for help isoing its EXPLAINING MY PROBLEM and everyone with a copy of daxter

July 7th, 2006, 08:42
We know but you can do it with out mentioning isos

"I too would like to know how to run a LEGAL UMD of daxter on my 1.50.

But you notice the way i did it without mentioning isos."

then when you ask.... and dont make any sense... and some1 says 'pardon'

"Pardon? pardon? PARDON? DONT YOU GOD DAMN POST SHIT WORDS LIKE pardon or yea or oh wow cool shit i hate that in my threads if you dont got something good to say DONT SAY A GOD DAM THING AT all! AND JUST TO MAKE THIS POST WORTHWILE ILL ADD MY INFO TO THIS DAXTER PROBLEM"

you bitch them out

And now your saying you're happy someone bricked your psp and that 'god' did it...

wow you truly are a moron... with no respect towards others... I'm glad no one will help you and I know how to do it but i wont help you now...

ps* I think it wont work because of god.... or maybe you are just a moron

HAHAHA you are an idiot.... ISO isn't a verb

July 7th, 2006, 08:46
go to hell smatblahblah we certainly dont need YOUR loserness here so stop the critisim and just help and if u cant then just LEAVE!! its THAT EASY

July 7th, 2006, 10:09
bye bye

you seriously are messed up
good luck in life

youll need it!

July 7th, 2006, 12:25
oooooook and thats like what a little grade 3 diss come on man pull out the big guns on me cuz that didnt huhrt my feelings one bit maybe to other people but not me or are you getting bullied at school and youre having a bad day awwwww
( lol the dude thinks im insulted over the internet considering hes miles away from HAW HAW)

P.S. this thread is going no where and i think it should be deleted thanks A LOT for the FRIGGING help!

July 7th, 2006, 13:14
I will report him and send another pm to 1timeuser... ISO discussion is Very Strictly against the rules and these forums offer zero tolerance against such items. Try not to defend him or insult him, it only makes matters worse and it is against the rules to insult...

July 7th, 2006, 13:30

July 7th, 2006, 14:34
Locked and I've handed out a 6-point and a 2-point warning to tetris999.

I know, third for me.. Mostly newbies that don't understand how the forums work... This guy though is pretty much asking for a ban...

People tend to get banned only when they're breaking the rules which he wasn't at the time of your post. You guys got to start reading the thread subject more before you start foaming at the mouth because the word ISO was mentioned. He was trying to run the UMD through emulated firmware.