View Full Version : DC Development Links

April 26th, 2004, 14:57
Some links to help get you start coding for the DC:

-Installing the Cygwin Environment (http://www.dreamcast-scene.com/index.php/Main/DevelopingWithCygwin)
-DC Programming Tutorial for Newbs (http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=41573)
-BlueCrab's Development Build Script (KOS 1.2.0) (http://ljsdcdev.sunsite.dk/tools.php)
-Ragnorak's Development Subversion Build Script (KOS 1.2.x, 1.3.x) (http://s90112106.onlinehome.us/dna/article12.htm)
-BlackAura's Build Script (KOS 1.2.0) (http://files.frashii.com/~sp00nz/Doom/files/BlackAura/dc_build.sh)
-BlackAura's Tutorials (2D Graphic) (http://files.frashii.com/~sp00nz/Doom/files/BlackAura/tutes/ )
-Developing For DC Using Dev-C++ (http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=38963)
-DCKnowledgeBase++ (http://gamedev.allusion.net/dckb/)
-Making a DCDev Environment by Dee Roc (http://www.ryanwarner.org/~deeroc/junk/dcdev-env.html)
-Dreamcast Programming by Marcus Comstedt (http://mc.pp.se/dc/ )
-DC Freedev by Propeller (http://www.dchomebrew.org/dcfreedev.shtml )
-Writting software for the DC using free tools by atani (http://www.atani-software.net/dcprog/ )
-DC Development ISO (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=97065)

Thanks to providing links:
Storminator16, Dr._Zoidberg, speud, BlackAura, Propeller

if you know of any more usefull links please post them hear and i will add them to the list

April 26th, 2004, 18:48
Here's a link that probably should be in the list:


April 26th, 2004, 19:09
marcus site, how did i forget

btw if your a admin or staff just edit my post and add links.
maybe we should break the list in to different areas..

May 25th, 2004, 20:52
You can get information about microsoft windows ce toolkit for dreamcast in this link...


May 26th, 2004, 02:32
i dont know what a link to a site with infos on a dev kit you cant use for legal dc devving has to do with the dev links topic ???

here is blackaura's 2d tutorial:

May 26th, 2004, 03:39
Speud - you can use Windows CE for legal DC devving, but very few people will legally be able to use it (a-la Sintendo).

May 26th, 2004, 03:53
by devving i mean releasing your work, what official sdk dont allow you to do.
as far as i know nothing is released using official dev kits now that legal dev kits have been prooved to be as good if not better.
why to use illegal tools when you have the ability to do the same thing by using legal ones?
the only interest of windows CE is the ability to make quite easy ports.

May 26th, 2004, 15:41
it's always good to know your choices ;)

May 27th, 2004, 04:31
Speud - that link should be http://files.frashii.com/~sp00nz/Doom/files/BlackAura/tutes/

A few bits in tute 5 don't work without stuff from tute 1 and 4.

May 27th, 2004, 15:27
yes, sorry about that.

i only bookmarked the latest tutorial you mentionned last time.

i wanted to link to the main page though but i didnt notice it was actually a link to one of the sections when i pasted the URL.

i fixed the link.

September 17th, 2004, 06:39

September 17th, 2004, 07:03

1:) you brought an old topic back
2:) saying something that doesn't contribute to the topic, is considered spam.

Consider that a warning.

September 17th, 2004, 08:42
dont say hello cause its evil but going back on topic i thought using Win CE was illegal for programming again thats only if you use libs right?

September 17th, 2004, 17:45
code = not illegal, dll's = illegal, so if you stripped all the dlls from it, its ok, course its pretty useless without the dlls.

Anyway, replying to an old post from may :/

September 18th, 2004, 00:41

Embedded Visual C++ is perfectly legal, it comes with CE in the package, there's even a trial version that's downloadable. The illegal part is using the precompiled dreamcast drivers. If someone creates thier own drivers, for video/sound/input then it's 100% legal to use..

September 18th, 2004, 03:09
*Ahem* some spam for you -> http://www.dchomebrew.org/dcfreedev.shtml

I made this simple and unsofisticated compilation for newbies, which is now updated to 1.1.2 :)


September 18th, 2004, 07:47
okay yeah i understand now i am still learning some parts of the work your all doing and its all wicked stuff

September 21st, 2004, 04:49
Propeller, dcfreedev was added to thee list, thanks

September 21st, 2004, 14:18
hi, i was wandering is it possible, to get internet access on dreamcast, with out having to set up a server that cost £1000,000 i would really not prepared to pay that is there any servers that run for dreamcast, if not can some1 say how to set one up coz i might be able to get my hands on a server coz my mates dad has a server but i am not sure

U2K Tha Greate$t
December 16th, 2005, 17:43
Do anyone know about dreamcast SDK?

I was thinking about just going to sega one day and buy thier stuff, but someone told me to find and download something called: Dreamcast SDK?

What is it?

December 16th, 2005, 20:52
its the offical developement kit, and without a liscence, its illegal to release anything thats made with it. its better to stick with kos

December 16th, 2005, 22:18
don't worry about this guy DS69, look at some of his older posts elsewhere:


it's so weird that after being told no so many times he still asks and does nothing.

December 17th, 2005, 00:20
oh that guy...lol

U2K Tha Greate$t
December 17th, 2005, 04:35
don't worry about this guy DS69, look at some of his older posts elsewhere:


it's so weird that after being told no so many times he still asks and does nothing.

hahahahaa, look what we have here, its one of my fans, you want my autograph right?

But sorry to break the news, but as i already mention my idea was to bring back the dreamcast and re-release the dreamcast. That idea was finsh , because of the dreamcast/hardware issue, so the plan is to bring out those same games which i had planned for the dreamcast onto the pc , in the future. That should be easy and that will happen, and i also plan on bringing out some exclusive games for dreamcast , either using whatever i buy for sega or this KOS thing or something else.

What i might end up doing is just continue with the plan to release dreamcast - pc games, and sometime in the future go up to sega and buy whatever they have and gather a team together and get busy. I got the money, and i will have more in the future, so buying something from sega should be easy, unless they dont want to sell it to me.

So i guess everybody can look foward to those pc games tho and of course i hope those dreamcast games.

More information will be located on my website soon.

December 17th, 2005, 10:55
Oh, I'm sure.

January 10th, 2006, 20:54
nice collection..thanx

December 15th, 2008, 17:18
Here are some nice tutorials: http://dcemulation.org/?title=Development

December 2nd, 2011, 11:54
Hello Darksaviour69 (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/members/173-Darksaviour69)
MAny links that you put in the 1º massage, have a broken links. PLEASE if you can fix it, please do.

thanks a lot