View Full Version : Center Screen

September 11th, 2004, 17:20
I need know values of kos video mode for centering screen.
I haven't NTSC Dreamcast and VGA-BOX.
So, i write this small dreamcast application that you can center screen with dc-pad and show values at end.


Can you help me?
I need a test with NTSC and other with VGA.

September 11th, 2004, 18:52
It would be better to add customizing features into your programs, because many TVs and monitors are slightly different from each other. I dont know what games in specific, but many that i have seen have screen positioning features.

September 11th, 2004, 19:21
i want to add that efecero wasnt fixed for me the menus were but as soon as the game started the screen started scrambling 60htz