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View Full Version : Sony's Reaction to downgraders

July 7th, 2006, 03:30
Does anyone know if Sony has talked about the recent downgraders that have and are being released recently?

I'm really starting to hate Sony so I love reading anything about them being pissed off or trying to stop the unstoppable homebrew scene. But I can't find any. Links anyone?

July 7th, 2006, 04:10
Recently they have been forced to pay 214 million USD in taxes because they under reported the profits in their gaming devision. OWNED

July 7th, 2006, 05:19
Not good they are the only ones that release good games for there counsils.

July 7th, 2006, 05:44
hmm people seem to hate sony but own psps... hypocrits.....

but yeah sony is seeming to fall apart.. makes me sad not happy

July 7th, 2006, 08:03
Yeah, many people talk about how much they hate Sony, but they forget that Sony made the PSP.

I doubt Sony likes the downgraders a lot. I e-mailed them talking about the homebrew and they said that if the PSP is damaged in the use of homebrew, the warranty doesn't cover it (obviously) so that also makes me believe Sony doesn't like the downgraders. I asked them about maybe certifying some of the homebrew, but then they just said they just told me to upgrade. And why would I do that when I have a 1.5 PSP?

July 7th, 2006, 12:29
yeah if sonys busted psps busted end of story bye bye see your wasted money later for generations to come lol

July 7th, 2006, 14:55
even if sony does shut down, homebrew will still live on. but it wont be as much fun because we wont be able to piss off sony making downgraders and stuff.

July 7th, 2006, 15:25
I want to email Sony saying Dev Hook won't work on my 1.0. I can only imagine their reaction.

Yes, many people here including myself hate Sony. I hate them for killing Dreamcast, blocking all homebrew exploits, and for being downright ignorant.

I bet a lot of you don't understand my sig. Shortly after the 2.0 update, someone at Sony said they block exploits "to prevent a hacker from bricking your PSP."

I also hate Jason Rubin (worked at Naughty Dog.) He said, "Dreamcast is a turd. Playstation 2 will kick its ****ing ass... Sony has put the smack down on the other companies." (I got this quote from issue 100 of Game Informer)

July 7th, 2006, 16:37
Rubin was right... PS2 did kick Dreamcast's ass. The only company you have to blame for the Dreamcast's demise is Sega, for not learning from their previous mistakes.

July 7th, 2006, 16:53
I want to email Sony saying Dev Hook won't work on my 1.0. I can only imagine their reaction.

Yes, many people here including myself hate Sony. I hate them for killing Dreamcast, blocking all homebrew exploits, and for being downright ignorant.

I bet a lot of you don't understand my sig. Shortly after the 2.0 update, someone at Sony said they block exploits "to prevent a hacker from bricking your PSP."

I also hate Jason Rubin (worked at Naughty Dog.) He said, "Dreamcast is a turd. Playstation 2 will kick its ****ing ass... Sony has put the smack down on the other companies." (I got this quote from issue 100 of Game Informer)

Dude no offense, but whatever Jason Rubin said or Sony execs said, Sony did not kill the Dreamcast. Sega did that all on their own by undercutting costs.

July 7th, 2006, 17:03
Ok, I see what you are saying. But if I can remember right, many people decided to wait for the PS2 because Sony said it would be much more powerful. They also said the PS2 would have graphics like the movie Toy Story. The PS2 is more powerful, but it's not an extremely large difference.

July 7th, 2006, 23:14
hmm people seem to hate sony but own psps... hypocrits.....

but yeah sony is seeming to fall apart.. makes me sad not happy

yeah, Sony made the PSP but I don't really Hate Sony as a company or an entity. I just hate Sony's attitude on things like homebrew and how they always force their DRM crap on us. Anyone remember the Root-kit Fiasco? Kinda like Microsoft is now with their Genuine Windows checking thing. SO yeah, for me hating sony, it's like, I don't hate the person, but I hate the person's attitude.

July 7th, 2006, 23:22
Mi theory is if they are trying to stop isos to be run i understand. They are loosing money that way not that they report there real earnings. But every body knows that they have no losses on home brew that just makes the psp more attracting to people. Look at the GPX.

July 8th, 2006, 01:41
They don't earn any money on the hardware, most if not all of their profits are from UMD sales. If people buy PSPs just for homebrew (and they do exist), the lose or break even on the hardware sales since they don't buy any games.

OT: IMO the DC failed because it was too early. Great piece of hardware but its hype was about internet play and they couldn't deliver as most of the world was still on 56.6k. If it was released when broadband was more common, I believe it could have made an impact.

July 8th, 2006, 02:14
Isos are bad to Sony the same amount as homebrew. Both keep people from buying their games.

July 8th, 2006, 03:51
OT: IMO the DC failed because it was too early. Great piece of hardware but its hype was about internet play and they couldn't deliver as most of the world was still on 56.6k. If it was released when broadband was more common, I believe it could have made an impact.

I'm pretty sure that system was killed due to ISO's. It had NO PROTECTION whatsover. You just downloaded an image then burnt it onto a normal CD. Trust Me, I know from experience (not saying you should do it, but it's a dead system anyways:( I just recently found out about it so i didn't really affect their sales:) proud owner of over 50 original DC games). No one bought the games anymore so publishers didn't release. That's why you see some DC games going for so much on ebay.

I just hope this doesn't happen with PSP. I really hate people who use ISO's or roms from a system that's still on the market (DC is off the market right?). I could care less once the system is dead or unattainable from stores anymore, but current systems really die from it. Just look at Dreamcast, IMO.

Isos are bad to Sony the same amount as homebrew. Both keep people from buying their games.

I agree with Isos being bad but i really don't think Homebrew is so bad. Yes, i spend most of my time on homebrew now a days buy at least i'm still using the psp. There aren't really any good psp games whose genre really interests me. Only games i pretty much buy are fighting or rpg's which the psp doesn't have a ton of. So i personally think that Homebrew SHOULD be there.

For example, the last time i touched my ps2 was to play kingdom hearts 2 and that was over 2 months ago. Before that was Dragon Quest 8 and that was Last year. So as you can see, homebrew is good cause you didn't waste your money on a system that you only touch every few months. Last time I played a psp game was a few months ago. Since then , i've constantly used my psp 1.5 on things like web browser, pimpstreemer and snes. So until FF7 game comes out for Psp, I'm gonna be using my Homebrew.

July 8th, 2006, 04:46
I'm not against piracy at all, and I don't think Sony is losing that much to piracy. Same with the Dreamcast, piracy was not costing Sega a ton. I didn't even now about copying DC games until about 2 years ago (and I've had my DC since 9.9.99) I think more people started pirating DC games in the last year or two (when the system was dead.)

July 9th, 2006, 23:10
hello, this is my first post...

i think that the psp is enough to consider sony a good company, but i'm worried as said above about sony's attitude and actually smartness. they should realize that homebrew is to be considered as an opportunity, like, they could even stop selling umd's and increase the price of psp's.

sony seems too obsessed with umd and blueray imo. blueray discs are going to have more storage capacity, but that means their going to be more expensive cause they are going to have to fill them with more maps, textures, etc., or else, why the extensive capacity?

for example, they could concentrate on developing faster cpu's in order to create the scenarios through random processes of some sort. that would mean infinite possible maps, and cheaper development cost.

i think they obsess so much on technology like umd's and blueray because of commercial considerations. all and all, i have bigger respect for sony's technical staff than for their executives.

July 10th, 2006, 16:05
ok, Sony isnt some evil diety. Its just a company trying to make profits. Sony does not make any money on homebrew or on the hardware sales. They make money on UMD sales. And Yaustar is right there are people who have a PSP for homebrew only...(me for example)

on the notes about the Dreamcast -- Sega is starting to sell them again (refurbished) as well as some brand new games. Dont believe me, check.
The problem with the DC was there werent really that many great games.