View Full Version : FloboPuyo Port

September 9th, 2004, 16:43
There is a lot of 'toto port' topic so here is mine. :P

FloboPuyo (http://www.ios-software.com/?page=projet&lg=AN&quoi=29) is a remake open source of puyo puyo.

The game is in version 0.13 but it's really great and nice.

Look at the source very quickly and it's C/C++ with SDL for sound (Wav + xm module) and gfx (png).

September 9th, 2004, 19:51
The game looks amazing. I had problems getting into the site. Another thing is it might possibly be able to be portable only thing is graphics look tough and could possibly be heavy C or C++ but if any of the coders check it out hopefully i am wrong