View Full Version : KGL-X library for Dreamcast v0.4

September 6th, 2004, 16:00
Heinrich Tillack emailed me earlier with this news:[br][br] hi wraggster! [br][br]I just added the KGL-X library to my site http://a128.ch9.de [br]it`s version 0.4. I noticed that I did not make it public since 2003 [br]v0.4 has working z_near clipping for GL_TRIANGLE and GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPS.. [br]bye [br]heinrich [br] [br][br]Great news for our Homebrew coders :), check out the site linked for the download.

September 6th, 2004, 16:08
awsome stuff. if it gets slightly more advanced maybe we can see some OGL ports.