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View Full Version : New to emulation, and seeking direction

January 20th, 2010, 05:28
Really, Im not looking for a straight-up hand out. Ive been a member of many forums and it always bugs me when a person's first (and usually last) post is seeking help. But hear I am in that person's shoes.

Well, I was just wondering if instead of just answering my questions, that someone might be able to guide me to some good FAQs and other posts?

I have a Wii and will be installing one of those solder-less chips. I choose solderless as I can't solder to save my life, nor am I comfortable enough to go the "Homebrew Channel" route. And really, all I want to do is play my NES, SNES and Genesis ROMS.........that's it.

So, can anyone lead me to informative posts/FAQs?

January 22nd, 2010, 17:26
Well, after lots of research, I found s thread in another forum that answers my question perfectly. So, I hope Im not breaking any rules, but I thought I would post that link for others to see:


If the Mods feel they need to delete my post, I understand.