View Full Version : Dreamcast DEV kit

August 16th, 2004, 09:46
Hi all,

I am new to this, and sorry if this is double (couldnt find the right thing with the search)

I am now an proud owner of the Dreamcast Dev Kit (that Dreamcast PC)
But are there any good tutorials on the net for that? Because the manuals are missing (yeah i know it sucks shard ;))

Hope someone knows something.



August 16th, 2004, 10:02
You might wanna try finding copies of the manuals online.

Katana itself I have no clue how to work with.

WinCE DC kit can build right into Visual Studio.

August 16th, 2004, 12:18
Can you please tell me just one thing: was it cheaper than 300 pounds? ;D Thanks :D

August 16th, 2004, 14:25
Hi all,

I am new to this, and sorry if this is double (couldnt find the right thing with the search)

I am now an proud owner of the Dreamcast Dev Kit (that Dreamcast PC)
But are there any good tutorials on the net for that? Because the manuals are missing (yeah i know it sucks shard ;))

Hope someone knows something.



I dont know where you would find copies of the manuals, but one word of caution: it is illegal to release anything made using katana or winCE. That is not to say you cant use the software and hardware in order to write things with KOS, but you cant release anything with katana or wince (technically you can release winCE stuff, but require people to have their own winCE libs.

August 16th, 2004, 15:04
Dont we kinda no enforce those rules as we still have some wince emulators.

August 16th, 2004, 15:30
No we dont. Or at least they are not supported by this site, or any other site that does not support illegal software. The only WinCE emulator i know of is sintendo, and that is not hosted by any legal site that i know of, especially since compared to the newest DSNES and SFC releases it is slow.

August 24th, 2004, 15:47
OMG, I *really* want a Dreamcast Dev Kit, where can I get one?

August 24th, 2004, 18:35

And yeah, stuff done with the dcdev kit was ok at first, cause there wern't really that many options, so things like boob and sintendo were allowed, however these days theres not really a good excuse to publically release stuff using the dev kits.

August 25th, 2004, 03:22
I've looked on ebay and I've looked on froogle...

August 25th, 2004, 16:55
they pop up randomly. there were only a certain relatively small amount made, and they usually run between 300 and 500 $ (USD). the biggest advantage to one of these, is that if you get it set up properly it will transfer stuff faster than a coders cable.

August 25th, 2004, 18:03
You can get one on www.ebay.co.uk right now at 77GBP.

Which is roughly about 138 USD.

August 25th, 2004, 21:23
You can get one on www.ebay.co.uk right now at 77GBP.

Which is roughly about 138 USD.

unless that is the buy it now price which seems like a really odd one, that is just an early bid, it will rise in price.

August 25th, 2004, 23:41
I think its got like 13 hrs left or something.

August 28th, 2004, 20:13

And yeah, stuff done with the dcdev kit was ok at first, cause there wern't really that many options, so things like boob and sintendo were allowed, however these days theres not really a good excuse to publically release stuff using the dev kits.

And Sega said this?

August 29th, 2004, 08:58
Dont we kinda no enforce those rules as we still have some wince emulators.

Well, in fact, DCHomebrew and DCEmulation do still have some things that were made with the WinCE kit, but they don't provide the libs that are required to run those things, and they won't allow discussion of where to find those libs.

August 29th, 2004, 12:52
And Sega said this?

Sega doesn't say anything about the homebrew scene, however they do know about it, there was a sega rep on dcemulation at the begining, they took a blind eye to it which is good enough for me.

As curt said, the only thing that wasn't allowed was the wince libs, otherwise the code is ok.

August 29th, 2004, 13:35
ah okay that makes sense thanks