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View Full Version : Everyone likes Wii in the next-gen wars

July 8th, 2006, 22:16
We'll never stop speculating on just who will win in the upcoming console wars. It's in our nature to do so. Thankfully, however, there's a site dedicated to tracking current consensus amongst interwebbers as to provide hard, undisputable fact to back up our claims (mostly typed in caps and grossly misspelled) across message boards everywhere. That current consensus is that the Wii will be winning in the war to come between man and machine consoles, gaining a very favorable 55.5 percent selection amongst visitors, with the Xbox 360 coming in at about half that with 26.2 percent, and the PS3 tanking at 18.3 percent.

July 8th, 2006, 23:06
I don't believe. We need to wait..

July 9th, 2006, 01:52
I can believe that, cause for me at least, i lost interest in just pressing buttons and moving a joystick on a gaming console( i know they have other things, but just as a majority), id rather have something different

but as you said you never know we'll just have to wait and see

July 9th, 2006, 03:17
yeah dude go Wii!!

dark, thats what my cat will look like in about a year :D

July 9th, 2006, 03:37
Wii seems like a nice system that anybody can jump into for a quick play. Wii plus one of the other systems seems to be the full next gen experience.

July 9th, 2006, 04:09
My friends all want ps3 about 8 of em... and Im the only one who even wants a wii... they are the type who dont get on computers... (i broke open a calculator.. a few of them saw the microchip.... i told them it was for a computer and that it was worth 450 dollars and they believed me)

The Hombrew Hunter
July 9th, 2006, 05:01

So where is that microchip? I'LL GIVE YOU $500!


July 9th, 2006, 05:09
xbox is sinking rapidly!!!!!

July 9th, 2006, 05:37
(i broke open a calculator.. a few of them saw the microchip.... i told them it was for a computer and that it was worth 450 dollars and they believed me)

Lmfao thats hilarious, and im with you too man, everyone around here wants a PS3 or 360, and only me and maybe a few other people want a wii

July 9th, 2006, 21:03
LOL I LOVE THE WII great machine, nice specs, cool wirelessness and connectivity with my nds.

July 10th, 2006, 23:26
I think, for more hardcore gamers, you'll get people either owning just the PS3. Or owning a Xbox360 with a Wii. Due to the prices speculated (?) of course.

The Wii does look snazzy though :D

July 12th, 2006, 01:02
I'll get the Wii at launch. The rest can wait.