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View Full Version : snezzids help?????

July 9th, 2006, 16:49
:( o.k. i have this problem that every rom i send through the dos program just gives me a black screen on my ds when i boot it up:
i'm using a supercard mini sd and i've tried several roms now even most on the working good list , but no avail
just wondering if anyone has had this issue yet....

July 9th, 2006, 17:48
I am so frustrated! The same thing is happening to me too. I keep hoping with each new version it will work.

I have tried the "sound" and "no sound" versions, I have run my roms through Snezzids, then I tried running them with and without using the Supercard Software. My Supercard has the newest firmware and I am using the newest Software. Keep getting nothing but a black screen at most.

July 14th, 2006, 11:38
i have the exact same problem!

These people create these "great" programs but when it comes down to it, they don't actually work!!!

The least they could do is give a STEP BY STEP processes of getting the rom from the pc to the ds!


.......... sorry! :)

The Hombrew Hunter
July 14th, 2006, 17:11
M3 probably works best, or G6. Just grab a rom and drag it to SnezziDS. It should autopatch and make a new GBA rom. Run that. In the readme, there's a list of working roms.

Yeh lazy asses.:p

July 19th, 2006, 07:01
same problem here.

tried renaming, patching with supercard software, ndstool.exe, snesds, snezzids.exe, sound, no sound - in every combination possible

However..... on my miniSD supercard i can't access the menu or state save ... i can't help but think these are related.

Worth note: i can run other files, haven't tried everything, i'll update.

July 19th, 2006, 07:08
Its possible that SnezziDS just isnt compatible with The Supercard Mini-SD yet

August 30th, 2006, 04:39
Try this webiste. Apply the powerloader. It fixes a lot of hombrew.


August 30th, 2006, 05:33
M3 probably works best, or G6. Just grab a rom and drag it to SnezziDS. It should autopatch and make a new GBA rom. Run that. In the readme, there's a list of working roms.

Yeh lazy asses.:p
OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kill me now homebrew it works perfect with all the cards i have all 3 well had sold the m3 and g6 and staied with the easier to use one but it works for all. They just need to follow instructions a little better they are not patching the roms or there using them zipped.

August 30th, 2006, 10:20
Supercard users do this!
When you have dragged the game file over the Snezzi converter thingy you should see that a new file has been created.

Now I cant remember what format the out putted file is, but it doesnt matter. Change the file extension on the new file to .nds

Place the new renamed file on your card and hopefully your problems will be solved.

(Note: There is no need to use the Supercard conversion software like you would for GBA or DS games.)