View Full Version : Virtual Boy Port for PSP??

July 9th, 2006, 20:21
With the GBA emu out now i wonder if a Virtual Boy emulator is at all possible for the PSP

heres a page with sourcecode on http://www.goliathindustries.com/vb/VBDown.html

Is it doable to port to PSP ?

July 10th, 2006, 01:27
Virtual Boy ? The only console that provide headaches after 20 minutes :D ...

I'm joking, i like so much all stereoscopic stuff !

Unfortunatelly, this console is based on a 20Mhz RISC processor (from NEC), with a bigger screen than Gameboy, so it should be harder to get full speed on any VB emulator :( ...

BTW, i didn't succeed to run the linux beta version of the virtual boy emu :(. This emulator seems to be in is early stage ...

July 10th, 2006, 02:04
I think having a virtual boy emu for psp would be great! You could use cheap 3-d glasses substantiate the 3-d effect or even that eyepiece that came with MGA2. Something about playing VB titles on my psp makes me feel warm inside.

July 10th, 2006, 02:20
Wasnt a scaled down RISC processor (MIPS) used for the N64? Maybe PSPmonkey or daedelus would be interested in this project....;)

Also,I thought I had read somewhere the psp's processor was based on RISC or MIPS architecture (or something like that. I dont really know the jargon). Can anyone set me straight?

August 2nd, 2008, 06:45
Why would you want a virtual boy on the psp? didin't that fail miserbly? and is consider the worst console ever? Thats just gonna give PSP aids...

October 14th, 2008, 18:22
There is a better source available at http://www.vr32.de/modules/tech/index.php?sec=emus

Red Dragon does have portable source. Someone else ported it once but couldn't get controls working.

I have a Download of that ported version at this thread on PSPMod http://www.pspmod.com/forums/emulation/34847-psp-emu-homepages-version-ratings-notes.html

October 15th, 2008, 13:58
thanks, i will have a look at the source code ...

January 23rd, 2010, 13:42
hi.i tried to compile the new version of rboy and it compile on linux.
i used the allegro- and rboy 084.

January 24th, 2010, 11:14
you may try to port it using allegro for psp :

January 24th, 2010, 13:28
hi.the allegro version i used has included the psp port :p

I am thinking about make a try but i need first time for learning how to program the psp;maybe in summer if i have free time.

February 6th, 2010, 05:25
Anyone get the virtual boy emulator working on the PSP? I'm running red dragon and the buttons have no control over it. I would love to play this system again.