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View Full Version : Mercs 2 'most likely' for Xbox 360

July 10th, 2006, 16:08
Pandemic's hotly anticipated sequel Mercenaries 2: World In Flames may not remain a title exclusive to PS3 in the next-gen. Hell, hell no. It's emerged, you see, that the follow-up to the hit open-play-style shooter Mercenaries could well blast onto Microsoft's Xbox 360 too.

It's news that's come straight from the horse's mouth. During conversation with IGN on Mercs 2, a representative for Pandemic commented that the developer is "definitely considering Xbox 360" for the game, although stated that the PS3 version is the only outing that remains confirmed to date. However, they went on to say that "There is still a lot of time" and "we haven't ruled the Xbox 360 out", concluding: "We'll have some news to announce in the next couple of months."

Precisely what "some news" will turn out to be is open to speculation - it's suggested it could simply be an announcement on a publisher for Mercenaries 2 on PS3, as the game is currently, er, publisher-less.

But, an Xbox 360 version is looking likely, and in fact our colleagues on the official Xbox 360 magazine (UK) say they have it "on very good authority" that Mercenaries 2 is 360-bound, although the PS3 may witness a short exclusivity period with the sequel. They add that whoever the publisher turns out to be, it won't be LucasArts or Activision, who published Mercenaries.

Well, let's just wait and see what happens. And keep an eye out for a Mercs 2 360 preview gracing these pages soon.

Pandemic describes Mercenaries 2 as "an explosive open-world action game set in a massive, highly reactive, war-torn world". Events centre around a power-hungry tyrant who screws around with Venezuela's oil supply, which is the catalyst for an invasion that turns the country into a battle zone. Whoops. You play a merc for hire, doing dirty work for world powers coughing up cash and if it lives up to the original game, we should be in for a belting next-gen dog of war on all fronts.