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View Full Version : British Tabloid Prints Wii Price - £170!

July 10th, 2006, 19:20
Despite official confirmation from Nintendo, The Daily Star have nonchalantly revealed the price and launch date of Wii.The article, which reads as a factual based piece on Wii and its functions, states that the next-gen console will retail at £170.00 and the launch date will be the end of November.

All recent indications point to the fact that Wii will be released before the November 11th Japanese PS3 launch date and Nintendo of America have said that the official announcement will not be until September.

Either the reporter, Paul Malley, has had a huge insider tip-off, or the facts have been misinterpreted. We've emailed the reporter for clarification on the article, that appeared in Saturday's Daily Star.

beetroot bertie
July 10th, 2006, 20:35
If that proves to be true, that's a fantastic point of entry price in comparison to the PS3 and Xbox.
It might even ensure a few end up at the bottom of christmas trees too.