View Full Version : Which is the best PSX emu to Port?

July 19th, 2004, 12:16
We have had now 2 ports of the PCSX emu to the Dreamcast and i was wondering if theres a better PSX emu to port, i remember playing PSemu pro or something like that on an old pentium 200 and it ran ridge racer pretty good, so what im saying is, could it be that the best emu isnt being ported?

July 19th, 2004, 15:28
PCSX is the only one i know of that is open source. There arnt really two ports. There was the 1.3 port done by some unknown (i think?) to the DC community who got hit by a car or something right after releasing it. Then the 1.4 was an report implementing the changes made in PCSX 1.4 into the DC version, not really a whole new port. 1.5 and the subsequent WIP versions were all relatively unofficial.

All it needs is work. Most people feel that time is better spent getting the things that definetly can get fullspeed to fullspeed. Or more like the things that are really close, getting them there.

July 25th, 2004, 01:29
The real problem I see is there arent any very fast C psx emus worth porting and you still have to rewrite most of the emu anyways.