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View Full Version : Let's Help Apple Make the iPad Even Better

January 28th, 2010, 19:55
The iPad! A revolutionary, game-changing product. But also, far from perfect. Let's help Apple out on that second front, shall we?

Don't feel like you need to stick to realistic improvements, either. Sure, me adding Flash to make Hulu usable wasn't too crazy, but please think outside the box here.

Send your best entries to me at [email protected] with Improved iPad in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs or GIFs under 800k in size (seriously, anything over will not be posted because our gallery system freaks out when we try to feed it lots of large files), and use a FirstnameLastname.jpg naming convention using whatever name you want to be credited with. Send your work to me by next Tuesday morning, and I'll pick three top winners and show off the rest of the best in our Gallery of Champions. Get to it!
