View Full Version : Burning problem or DC?

Project Epsilon
July 12th, 2006, 00:35
Hello Everyone!

Today, I decided to try out alot of emulators and apps for dc that i have been meaning to do for quite a while now, and its been quite an exciting day! Now i finally got around to Neo4all/AES. I downloaded the starter kit and after some minor work, got a disk made! but after i popped it into my dc, i noticed that every game is choppy, even ones that are supposed to be fullspeed, aside from the small ones.

So I was wondering if it could be the speed that i burned it at? after doing a little searching i became even more confused. some say 8x is the sweet spot, others say as slow as possible. so i decided to go the middle at 4x. is there an optimum burning speed that i should use for my homebrew apps? what do most people here use? also could it be the disk. i used some generic brand but i have some memorex ones here too? any help will be appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :)

July 12th, 2006, 01:17
The speed of the game is related to the emulator, not the speed you burned at.

Project Epsilon
July 12th, 2006, 01:50
ah, ok. I guess i got confused by what people refer to as fullspeed. for things like metal slug x, it chugs as my dc loads (prefetching?) i just assumed when they said it works perfectly on the dreamcast scene recommended games list, that it worked perfectly thru the whole game, not up until the DC loads. My mistake :o . still, its shaping up to be one hell of an emu!

July 12th, 2006, 16:20
Metal Slug X runs pretty good, but still with loading.

You could play Metal Slug 1 + 2 with Neo4All/CD. NeoGeoCD games run full speed without loading, no matter how big they are :)

For ROM based games that run good without loading, I'd recommend games below 24 MByte, but remember that games with prefetches don't fall under this category - so games like Shock Troopers are like 50Mbyte or above and still run without noticable loading :)

Also, I noticed that disabling the frameskip makes everything a lot smoother (except the loading of course).