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View Full Version : Who Is Your Favorite Game Company Mascot?

February 1st, 2010, 20:45
Here's how it works: We ask a question, you answer it. Simple and no strings attached! This isn't some marketing survey or whatever. It's an emotional investment in you. Yes, we're interested in knowing you, reader person.

You probably know oodles about us - more than you even want to, we're sure. But, hey, we'd like to know about you. That way you won't be some faceless blob — and we might feel a tinge of guilt when we ban ya. Or not, because really we're incapable of human emotion.

Question: Do you have a favorite gaming mascot? If so, who?!


February 1st, 2010, 23:48
Bobby Kotick never know what he is going to say next. :rolleyes:

February 2nd, 2010, 04:53
Alex Kidd or Wonder Boy...

...I'd say Mario, but everyone love him.

February 2nd, 2010, 12:13
Wat about mid 90's SEGA's Sonic?

February 2nd, 2010, 13:14
Not the main mascot but i like Knuckles.

February 4th, 2010, 04:42
If we're going mainstream, I have to say Link. If we go running franchise I would say Megaman. If we go any video game character, I would have to say either Faust from the Guilty Gear series, or Zero from Megaman X. (Alucard from SOTN is up there too). Also, yes, everyone loves Mario.

February 4th, 2010, 14:19
Missing slice of pizza (Pacman)... NAMCO

Sonic... SEGA

Sack Boy... SONY

Mega Man... CAPCOM

My list goes on, to each and every games company that have at least one mascot (or character) that I like.