View Full Version : EA Mobile ready to capitalise on smartphone opportunities

February 2nd, 2010, 16:22
EA Mobile's European boss Luca Pagano says the publisher is ready to invest more heavily in smartphone platforms beyond the iPhone.
"It’s where our business in the future will drive from, so we are ready to capture the opportunity when it arrives," he tells ME, while admitting that conditions are "not completely perfect" on the stores of some of Apple's rivals.
"The challenges have been widely discussed. Billing is one of the key ones. But we are looking forward to those challenges being properly tackled, and working together with Nokia, Google, RIM and the others," he says.
Meanwhile, EA Mobile may also look to experiment more with game pricing in the future, for example with in-app payments and freemium models.
"There is an understanding that we could actually do a favour to the business as well as to consumers by experimenting with different models," he says.

"That doesn’t necessarily mean giving things away for free though. It may be about giving a different engagement to the consumer with a very small barrier to entry, and then a way to monetise that further down the line."


February 2nd, 2010, 20:34
Hopefully this means a copy of Command and Conquer for Droid.