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View Full Version : gamecube to vga monitor

February 3rd, 2010, 04:58
was just wondering if anyone could help me -

I'd like to hook my gabecube up to my pc monitor via vga (only option). my cube has digital av out + analogue av out, im not sure what version it is.

would i be safe just getting a series of converters? i.e. composite cable to vga...though im really doubting its gona be this simple through the research ive managed to gather so far....I just cant make sense of it.

some specific instructions would be vastly appreciated

thanks in advance

February 3rd, 2010, 06:31
I don't know about composite, but I know you could always try to find Gamecube component cables (which are expensive) and get a Component -> VGA Box.

EDIT: Wait, just get a universal VGA box that supports Gamecube.