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View Full Version : Consoles are "playground" for predators

February 3rd, 2010, 19:46
South Florida news outlet SunSentinel believes online gaming on PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 has become "a sexual predator's playground".

The website blamed "interactive games" that allow "kids" to talk to people from around the world.

The problem is that adults often pretend to be kids! And they are "luring children through headsets and private messages" like evil magicians!

SunSentinel heard from Erica McWhorter, a woman (of unspecified age) who was sent private messages by one "Romantic Devil" on Xbox Live.

"It was very scary. He said, 'Are you [a] girl? How old are you? Do you have a web cam?'" He then asked if she wanted to see his "private parts".

She must have said no because she quickly reported him to Microsoft and contact between the pair was blocked. "But it made McWhorter realize [sic] just how dangerous XBOX could be for a child," the SunSentinel added. pair.

Jefferson County investigator Mike Harris knows what's going on. "Sex offenders will go anywhere kids go," he reasoned.

"Children don't always tell their parents because their afraid they will take the game away instead of trying to solve the problem."

The SunSentinel encouraged parents to report any "suspicious" conduct to local law enforcement. "That's because there are ways to track down criminals through cyberspace," the report ended.


February 3rd, 2010, 20:40
How can an adult pretend to be a kid via a headset? Not possible, I'm thinking they are using that as a possible example. Like the other day on Little Big Planet, I annoyed some American guy (because I was blocking the entrance with a fire glider thing - a community level) and he swore at me through his headset.

February 3rd, 2010, 21:09
They could just use one of those voice changers to sound like a kid, kids need online safety constantly drummed into their heads to be safe.

February 3rd, 2010, 23:04
"Erica McWhorter"..

I guess his logic was if it sounds like "whore" it must be one.

February 3rd, 2010, 23:33
Parental Controls exist.
Use them.