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View Full Version : Dolphin Emu R5000

February 3rd, 2010, 23:57
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Dolphin-Emu-r5000-t18429.html

A new version of Dolphin, the GameCube and Wii emulator for PC is available.

Changelog R5000

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Fixed detection of some wii root files
Falcon4ever prefers to keep a standalone copy of njoy code in repository.
Nake, please make a branch / tag after release so that the code of njoy will be saved as a standalone plugin
Revert commit 4997 and fix in a way that is more consist with the structure before the global build patch
a lot of changes here
first fixed scaling backbuffer when updating to make it friendly with encoders, frame dumping must now work without errors in any codec. clean screenshot and frame dumping code is more correct now, faster and stable. Improve safe texture cache, improving the distribution of the hash algorithm, including tlut hash in the hash of the final texture, and making use of a 64 bit
hash to make it more accurate. clean a lot of code and corrected some missused vertex formats when drawing full screen quads. last and biggest changes: pseudo antialiasing implemented: a post-image process algorithm that mimics antialiazing fare and is more easier to implementation in this scenario. You can change the intensity of the effect changing the values of the combo antialiasing. The right value depends on The Game. For example mkwii looks awesome with 8x.
please try all the changes and let me know the results. if something is broken, please let me know and will fix it asap.

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October 22nd, 2010, 19:50

January 22nd, 2013, 16:10
thanks pelo post